Quote of the day

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Quote of the day

I don't know whether this comes out as a link but it is worth looking into. Lots of free quotes. Good Luck !


Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it. Anais Nin
Yes that would be very close contact Wilkybarkid ;)like sardines in a can. I think she wrote it without having to depend on the Metro;)
Yes I suppose he should be preserved in metholated spirits!
I would like to be pickled in a bottle with the late Jim Morrison.


Yeah you'de really look great Jen all squashed up in a bottle. Together with ol' Jimmy boy ;)
Just imagine all that wonderful poetry we would beable to share. We would beable to mind read are poetry to each other.


I think that Jim would have preferred to be pickled in whisky- he was sort of used to that medium. Could you manage that? Yes he was a bit of a genius with words !!
I definitely wouldn't want to be pickled in whisky, not even with the wonderful Jim, but I know what you mean, he was a real whisky drinker, I am more of a little old wine drinker myself. Well if I can't have Jim Morrison, I would'nt mind Johnny Depp. Phew he's a bit of an alright, but I suppose at my age, I would be child stealing, though it would'nt really matter if we were pickled, would it?


Jennifer, you might then be interested in this, though I can't vouch for its accuracy. Allegedly, when Depp was with Winona Ryder, he had a tattoo which said 'Winona for ever'. When they split up, he had it altered to 'Wino for ever'. Helvigo Jenkins

Helvigo Jenkins

Well, well, well, I never knew that, your not pulling my leg, are you? Only it would'nt be the first time I've had my leg pulled, it was quite painful, ouch! Well if it's true, then I would definitely liked to have a preserved friendship with Johnny Depp, he's still alive, so lets get preserving, I am sure he knows a bit of poetry, he can read to me. Jenny.


I've just checked and it is true. For more of Mr Depp and his tattoos... http://hubpages.com/hub/Tattoos_Of_Johnny_Depp
Thanks Mangone, I shall wait for him to come to my 100 year old bottle of wine, where we will open it and get totally bladdered, then we will be preserved for ever, Ah bliss! Wait a minute I've just noticed something, has anybody else got anything to add? Jenny.


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