h jenkins

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I have 66 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 104061 times and 40 of my stories have been cherry picked.

h jenkins's picture
Helvigo Jenkins


My stories

Finest Hour - A Lockdown Poem

During the Coronavirus lockdown, there seems to have been a renewal of interest in poetry. Perhaps this is a British characteristic – in times of crisis, a tendency to resort to rhyme rather than reason. Whatever! So, although I've not posted on here for some time I thought I'd offer up these few lines.


I’m often awoken by the passerine choir, Not conscious exactly, but nor am I dreaming. My love lies beside me, the spring of desire, Her soft lips...

I'm Dreaming of a White Easter

It ain't 'alf bloomin' taters out there!

Last Words

Last words

Literati and other things

Ever thought there should be a word for 'em?
