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Topic posted in response to FISHES - PISCES :

Oh, I like this! I'm a Pisces myself & I have to say I agree with all of the above.

Definitely right this piece, I live with a pisces, also had friends who were pisces. Being another water sign of Cancer, I get on very well with pisces, they are almost like my soul mate. We are all dreamers, us water signs.


Just wanted to put in something else to this, that yes pisces, cancer and scorpio, are definitely psychic.


I’ve always thought that Einstein and Christ must be Pisces because they were souls at the end of their cycle... starts with Aries. I’ve never believed that Christ was a Capricorn and surely everybody knows that His sign was the sign of the fish! Obviously, His mother was a Virgo - the source of some confusion!
iim scorpio! real scorpions they make good mothers!

"I will make sense with a few reads \^^/ "

Never thought about what star sign Jesus might have been. I've always loved that I'm a Pisces, I find I really see myself in the typical Pisean traits of introspection and empathy. I'm wondering if I would even be the person I am if I wasn't a Pisces: What if I had been born a Leo? What if Pisces were attributed different traits? It does make me wonder if there is any truth to astrology/horoscopes. Also, I agree about the water signs having a touch of the psychic about them, I've definitely experienced this first hand.
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