How Will We View Al Qaeda In 100 Years Time? Horrific or Glamorous?
I think the 21st Century, so far, has been pretty boring. If I had to describe, to a future time traveler, what made it exciting and different to other centuries then two things would spring to mind, 1. "Everyone uses a thing called the Internet and there are internet Hackers, Viruses etc" and 2. "There are Islamic Terrorists that blow themselves up and crash planes into buildings".
I have the feeling that the future time traveller is going to view the Al Qaeda terrorist as a colorful and glamorous villain from history the way that we think of Pirates, Viking Raiders,Western Outlaws, 1920's Gangsters, Jack The Ripper or even, dare I say it, Nazi's and German Soldiers.
So, as a 21st Centurian, ofcourse I condemn Al Qaeda as evil,mad, vile and contemptible but
as a person who likes a histories, stories and colorful characters I think they are making the 21st century more interesting.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.