Forum Comments
Posted by Gunnerson on Thu, 15 Dec 2011
Original comment.nid is in comment.score.
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Original comment.nid is in comment.score.
Nice. There's a cave in
Will do, Magic. It's only
Fiddlesticks. I joined Zoosk
Thanks Moonlight. Come on
Thanks for commenting,
Well hard, Sundays. And
FTSE's on the money here.
I think Fatboy74 hit the
Great stuff. very visual and
Hi Mangone, I did my RE O
Pain gives in to relief,
The governor of the Bank of
Thanks very much for your
Love and loss mixed in
Easy, Insert! Abc's a place
Hi Mangone, We all seem to
thanks for reading,Simon. I
'Hedge-found scavengers'.
Geoffrey's got a very vaild
It's better than you think,
Lifelike and very
You get back what you give
William Wallacesque, this
Yeah, that's the jobby. Good
Left out is a good title
Yes, that does make sense.
Thanks for your kind
You have done thrity pages
Thanks for reading, OTT,
Love it, Spartacad. Well
There's alot to chew on
Wowser. There's a crooner's
Hi OTT, This is brilliantly
Beautifully put, David. I've
Hi Animan, God is a purely
There's a real sense of loss
Great poem that, to me,
Thanks for reading and glad
The song title says only
Thanks Magic. Much
Hi Ritchie and Rylie Your
It may not seem like a
Hi Peskmeister, I'm in one
Great stuff. Strangely
I don't think censorship is
thanks' ashb. Glad you
I get that feeling that I
thanks Insert, I've got the
Amazon, about £4 used. Get
Thanks Insert, It's