If you could, what would you change about ABCtale.com?

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If you could, what would you change about ABCtale.com?

No offence to anyone, I'm just curious about what people should make different about this site. Honestly, its great the way it is, all I would change is putting a "like", "love", or "hate" button, and then you won't have to comment on everything you see, although it is really nice to see what other people have to say about your pieces...

Anyways, what would you change?


Oops, "should" should be "would". How do you change that? Savannah


I would not change a thing about it.


keep the red! the site is good in general . no cliques (i havent come across it anyway). a canny guy (mr cook) to read the stuff. its not broken.....in my opinion.


abctales is great as it is. I would not like to see anyone do to it what they did to myspace. All the interesting comment discussions on blogs have disappeared and it has turned into an advertising machine for the media market, but everyone has stopped going there as far as I can see. So they have ruined it.
Wow. Yeah, in the end I wouldn't really change anything about it... I like the red. I think its cool. And forget the like button- not after that last post. No body likes MySpace anymore, so... Savannah


I'm good with this site, red or no red, either way. this site is great to me and I have no issues with it.

Nicholas Schoonbeck

I'm in the same boat as Com999- I am okay with how it is. Can't come up with any good change ideas anyway.
Blessing: there is no bookmark function but you could leave a small comment a la : be back later and that way you have bookmarked it on your track page. The only way you can download a picture is as a link. Pictures are FTSE100's speciality- just wait and see!
Hi All :) I think the site great like others and how it is run. But if I was to think, I would not mind a change in colour. Or if there was a way (like a online chat room abctales one) where we could all type our thoughts, poems and anything we wanted down and get to know others, what I like about this idea is that we are all taking part at the same time&people do not have to leave their homes to take part, if they cant. I am not sure how ABCtales radio worked so forgive me if my idea as already been done. Keep Writing Keep Smiling :))

smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

Everything is so perfect and glossy these days, fashion,music, tv, everything but very superficial. This website takes me back to the eighties when things weren't as stylish but they had heart. JoHn
I like the online chat room idea. We could all get to know each other better and be even more of a little community. And yes, we could also talk about publishing of books and how well each other are doing with their books and poems. I really like that idea. Though I'd be the one not able to chat on it, seeing that I live in America, and most others live in Europe. Though I did notice a few others living in America, like animan(has anyone talked with him in a while?) and MaggieG. Savannah


slirpie- animan has recently posted a poem but he doesn't live in the US . MaggieG does though. In America you are only 7 hours behind Europe so chat would be possible. Personally I am not sure whether it is such a great idea with a chat forum!
Oh, thank you Highhat, apparently I got animan confused with someone else.... Ugh I just forgot the username!!! And I guess chat could be possible... I like the red, I think it's cool. Theres not too much, not too little... It's perfect; especially with that shade of blue. Savannah


I've just remembered. Every time I post a nature poem, I always have to put it under the 'Spiritual' genre category because there's no separate 'Nature' category. It would be nice to have 'Nature' as one of the genres because, sometimes, my Nature poems aren't 'spiritual' but merely descriptive. JoHn
Oh dear, I questioned someone's faith. At least I didn't go so far as to say that jihad was wrong. I didn't say that male bomb terrorists will not receive 72 virgins in the afterlife. That would have been questioning beliefs that some people will crash aircraft for. People are ridiculous creatures. If I know it you can be certain that god does.
Ooh who are your angels? Savannah


Oh ok. Sorry. And yes, angels are real. Savannah


Angels at angles ;0
I've just noticed that a 'Nature' category has been added. Thank you, ABCtales Editors. JoHn
Thanks also to ABCtalers who've sent me nice/helpful emails. I've enabled my comments again because it saves people the trouble of having to email their comments to me. JoHn
What wishes Savannah


...Ok. Savannah


OH, hahaha, I get it! Skunk meant two wishes were made... Hahaha, I'm slow to catching on. Sorry. And thanks FTSE100. Now hows about a chat room? ;) Just kidding. Though it would be pretty cool... And I really like your work... Very funny =) I was trying to find a space to write that but then I decided against it. Then you commented here, so here I am, saying "I really like your work... Very funny =)". Savannah


True. I hate when the internet is slow... But actually, I think it has something to do with how much stuff you have on your computer. But yet again I could be wrong. I'm just used to slow, I guess. Savannah PS WHERE?! Oh.


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