I was about to start reading Pat Barker's "The Ghost Road" when I noticed it was the third in a trilogy. Is it perfectly readable as a standalone or do I need to plough through the lot? Ta for any advice.
Wouldn't want to miss out on Regeneration, the first novel in the trilogy, if I were you. Deals with Craiglockhart, the hospital where many shell-shock victims were sent in WWI. Included in the cast of characters are the poets, Wilfred Owen, Sigfried Sassoon and Robert Graves.
Pat Barker is a brilliant writer, this trilogy being the best of her work in my opinion. I read the Ghost road first and then sought the other two. The Eye In The Door (The second book) is my personal favourite, I found that one not so heavy and easier to read, but the're all brilliant. I don't think there's any need to read them in the order of their publication. Barker's research into her subject matter is exemplary. Just enjoy, or maybe 'admire' might be a better word as they are quite harrowing.
The Ghost Road is the only one of the trilogy I haven't read - I'm saving it for Remembrance Sunday - I always try to read a relevant book round that time! I don't think they need to be read in order, but do try to get round to reading the other two at some time, they're great books!
Keep Writing xxx