RE: They

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RE: They

Topic posted in response to They :

any comments would be appreciated :)


Good morning alpha, hope you're well. Now, call me old-fashioned, a traditionalist, or maybe I'm more of a rebel, a non-conformist, an anarchist even, but I have a plan. It's not a cunning plan as such, in fact it may not even be a plan at all, more of a spur of the moment idea that whizzed through my brain faster than the speed of light (don't tell me that's not possible), anyway it didn't take long due to my brain size which is . and no that's not a scale model. Putting all that waffle aside, parking it as they say in newspeak, let us move swiftishly along to...cue drum roll...The Plan!! Okay, here goes. Why don't you spend some time reading and leaving comments on other people's works instead of just posting your work and then marketing it on the Forums? Like I said, it may not be the best plan in the world, as it involves being nice and helpful to others, but if you try it you may have some success. After all, we are a reciprocal community, which is what makes this site the best on the web. Join in more and make us stronger. Try aiming for leaving at least one comment on someone else's work for every story you post. Look at it as a sort of Balance of Payments, Profit and Loss, or Goals For and Against. Hope to see your name popping up leaving an array of wonderful comments on a wide variety of works from now on. Best of luck.
I do comment on others work, more importantly I read other peoples work, which is, surely by far more important than anything else... you might disagree with me, but we are living in a world where writing is being taken over by a turdish intellectual elite who pander to their own vanities of reality, and forgive me its just sad sick excrement...moreover reading isn't something that real people do any more... mainly because their imagination is controlled by the computer, the movie and the Computer game system... you might think I am marketing... I am not marketing, but If you think I am then I must be. After all, you obviously know what you are talking about, and we have never met. But right now I have a lot going on, some of what is happening is personal and all of it is painful. if you want then be insulting in an intellectual fashion then fine... and I don't care if you like my material, but at least I write.


Hahaha!Very droll. Enjoyed. Re. 'faster than the speed of light (don't tell me that's not possible), anyway' Apparently, they just sent some neutrinos from CERN and smashed them into an underground wall near/in Rome (seems as good a place as any) at a speed faster than the speed of light, thus raising time-travel potentialities. poetry written in such neutrinos would be written before it was conceived, I guess. Sounds familiar. Sorry, maybe you knew all that already.


I found out about those pesky neutrinos just before they carried out the experiment. Or was it from watching reruns of The Big Bang Theory Season Six? Oh dear, I'm getting all mixed up now. I was never very good with time when it was linear. What chance have I now it's all bendy and manipulativable? Don't try and tell me that's not a word. I've seen the future.
Yes, I looked up manipulativable next week - it wasill be very interesting. The modal tense implications of non-linear time, as you can see, are challenging. It could have meant something like 'able to render manipulative' but I willhave de-remembered that earlier.


I'm sending you a biggus huggus young alphie. I know what it's like to have a lot of personal and painful things happening. I'm almost quite pleased you think I have the intellectual capabilities to be insulting in an intellectual fashion. I'm sure there's a backhanded compliment in there somewhere. Marketing? Unfortunately, for me, that's a subject I know a little about so I do know what I'm talking about. In fact, I know far more about marketing than writing, but I'm trying to remedy the situation by learning more about writing and forgetting what I learned about marketing. I'm not sure about the rest of your post about tudish intellectual elite and computer games as I couldn't really understand it as I'm not intellectual, but the most important thing I gathered is that at least you write. I'd encourage you to keep doing that as often as possible, and don't be afraid to write about your personal and painful problems, it can be rather therapeutic and somewhat cathartic. Best of luck, young fellow.
By the way, I sent this message next week, so I hope it arrives in time for Christmas. If not, contact Professor Pesky at CERN. However, if it hasn't arrived by then you won't be aware of its existence so you won't know you have to contact CERN. See the trouble those pesky neutrinos have caused?
I am very depressed at the moment... and I am no intellectual either... I want to see copies of amazing stories out on the counter for people to read again...I just love the thought of people picking up a magazine for its story, not for is social B.S. who's shagging who..? who feckin cares... not I... truth is ABC is my life line, my core of sanity... its nice to have a place and know I'm not alone... hugs gratefully received... and tearfully returned. and I like your writing... keep it up :)


Bless. No misery, no pain, no writing gain.


Im afraid your right there...


totally agree with alphadog1. mind you, I'm severy medicated at the moment..
see...cant even spell severely correctly. There is little hope for me left!
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