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Odd, but I've been feeling slightly more and slightly less 'persona non' recently ... depending on where I look, though. On the 'more' topic, I sometimes think that 'persona plus' equates a bit to 'psyche nil' - I'm not sure though. Maybe that's just being self-serving. Also, I'm rethinking 'psyche' in 'relation' to 'spirit'. I'm liking more and more the notion of the 'spirital' (no typo) once again. I'm worrying that the 'psyche' is psychically manipulable - whereas the spirit is own, one's own and out there in the dawn and the evening and the mid-morning sun, feeling the moon's 'can do'. Just musing.
I can't decide which I
Posted on Sat, 05 Nov 2022
I can't decide which I enjoyed more: the poem or the chat? Well, the poem of course, but I really enjoyed the chat too. All so lovely and human. I really like how, in the poem, you somehow make the separate bits of syntax collide into each other...
Read full commentPosted in to a pear
I really like this - very
Posted on Sun, 11 Mar 2018
I really like this - very inventive, nice shfits of tone and context from the local and everyday to the visually imagistic, nicely slightly amused, intrigued, nice clever plays with language. I know exactly where this is emotionally. Impressive,...
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Thank you for your thank you.
Posted on Tue, 08 Nov 2022
Thank you for your thank you. I actually cut it back a bt and 'lost' the bit in brackets and the line bfeore it. I felt they weren't necessary.
I really enjoyed the zoom session and its intensity and yet with such an amazing variety of...
Read full commentPosted in in extremis
Hi, I like this poem so much
Posted on Sat, 05 Nov 2022
Hi, I like this poem so much that I was wondering if I could use it within a set of GCSE-level materials for students, particularly as I think it's so good to get up-to-the-minute text and not only use texts from people who are out of copyright,...
Read full commentPosted in to a pear
Well, I've read Marcia, Sadie
Posted on Sun, 05 Feb 2012
Well, I've read Marcia, Sadie, and Bernard. I thought I'd stop there for a bit as I felt the need to savour and ruminate - a bit like going off for a cigarette and putting the DVD on pause. Yeah, it's very full of,life and detail and knowledge...
Read full commentPosted in Vergogna