RE: City Hall: An Autobiography, Chapter 9

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RE: City Hall: An Autobiography, Chapter 9

This is chapter 9. If you have not read the previous chapters, I suggest doing so. This way you can understand the story better. I am currently taking a short break for the Holidays, so I am posting this piece in the forum at this point so people can have a look. Although, this is a fairly long chapter, some are shorter.
This whole story will take place over a year, from July 1 to the following July 1.
It is written in "book" form, but the idea is for it to become a film script. I have all the ideas in my mind, but as you may know, sometimes getting ideas into writing can be difficult.
This is geared to be more of a comedy, but has dramatic moments.
This and chapter 8 also have some parts written in French.
Feed back as to how this could translate to film would be appreciated. Also, should English 'subtitles' be included?
This contains "adult" language and situations, so it is not recommended for pre-teens.
I have already had a few comments. Thank you.

Topic posted in response to City Hall: An Autobiography, Chapter 9 :

Paulbreck, I am still waiting on a reciprocal post on my stuff.... Tic Toc.


I know. I did not forget. You are in the cue. I have a lot of reading (and other things) to do.


Here is the cue. Tic toc, tic toc..... Now is the time for your entrance.


OMG, I will do it when I get time. I am holding down two jobs here. I wish I had time to spend all day on


Oh dear, this reminds me of Malcolm and his time being more valuable than everyone else's. Think I best leave it at that for now. Tis the season to be jolly.
I'm sorry for being blunt, but I did say that I did not forget. Unless someone wants to pay me for this, it will have to wait. This is one of my busiest times of the year. I have to use what little break time I have to do this, which is annoying the crap out of me.


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