Third of First Person?
Hello! As the title suggests,I was wondering whether you class First Person or Third Person to be the better format to write a novel?
I was in the middle of redrafting my book 'Garnet Core' when I realised out of all of the novels I've ever read, my favourites are always written in Third Person. However, I chose to write G.C. in First Person; so I questioned whether I had made the right decision or not.
I find with the more complicated plot and developed characters, Third Person tends to suit the novel more. In contrast, the best description I have came across was written in a novel that used First Person.
If you haven't already guessed, I am very confused and would like your opinions and advice on which style of writing you personally think to suit you more.
Personally, I find First Person easier to write, but I prefer the amount of detail I can achieve when writing in Third Person.
Anything anyone wants to say is welcome!
-Chantelle. :) is external) is external)