Third of First Person?

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Third of First Person?

Hello! As the title suggests,I was wondering whether you class First Person or Third Person to be the better format to write a novel?

I was in the middle of redrafting my book 'Garnet Core' when I realised out of all of the novels I've ever read, my favourites are always written in Third Person. However, I chose to write G.C. in First Person; so I questioned whether I had made the right decision or not.

I find with the more complicated plot and developed characters, Third Person tends to suit the novel more. In contrast, the best description I have came across was written in a novel that used First Person.

If you haven't already guessed, I am very confused and would like your opinions and advice on which style of writing you personally think to suit you more.

Personally, I find First Person easier to write, but I prefer the amount of detail I can achieve when writing in Third Person.

Anything anyone wants to say is welcome!

-Chantelle. :)

To be honest, I think all of my favourite books have been, as you say, in the third person. Perhaps being in the first person is too knowing.


It depends if you want to divulge what the other characters are thinking...


Anonymous's picture
It depends on what perspective is right for the particular story. I don't think there is any 'better' choice.
When I started writing, I automatically wrote in the First Person and it worked well for the story. It helps if you have a protagonist that you really want to concentrate on, and you can really get into their feelings and motivation. My main character is called Shae, and whenever I get stuck on how to write something, I put myself in her position. The downside is, if something doesn't happen in 'Shae's World' - it doesn't happen! You have to be more careful when introducing plot lines or other character motivations, but on the whole I find it easier writing in the First Person tense. Like you said though, if you want a story that is more detailed with several plot lines running in at the same time, Third Party writing is easier! I guess what I’m trying to say is, I don't think there is a right of wrong way to do it - it's about what you are comfortable with - and what fits with the story. Best of luck! Sarah
Andrea- that really helped! Exactly what I needed to know. I've tried writing in first person, but then writing some chapters in third from a different point of view. Third Person sounds more of what I'm aiming for, but it's hard to get into the habit of writing in Third with this particular story. I just get caught up in how much I'm using 'he' or 'she' too much.
I prefer first person, mainly because it's easier to write and you don't have to worry about writing what the other people feel or are thinking about (unless your main character can read minds). Also, when I'm reading first person, it doesn't make me feel like I know something I'm not supposed to know. It can be a give away sometimes, especially with third person omniscient. Other than that, it's what's best for you and the book. Savannah


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