NEW ABCtales Directory
As so many of you have got great sites (and are recommending great reading and writing related sites) I smiled sweetly at our techies and they made me a directory. In non-geek language, that means we've got a Yahoo style section - specific to reading, writing and creativity - at that you can add links to - so please do! All you need to do is go into the category you want to add a link to and click on 'suggest a link for this category' Fill in the title of the site, website address and a brief description. Click the 'Recommend Link' box at the bottom and your link will be in the system ready for me to approve.
I've already added about 250 links including:
Sites for Readers (72 links with sub-categories of Authors Sites, Buy Books, Magazines, Reading Courses, Sci Fi and Swap a Book, the last one being a scheme the National Literacy Trust are running which I'll be detailing in another post) The Authors sites are divided into ABCtales Writers' Sites, Author Societies, Poets Sites, Published Writers Sites and unpublished Writers Sites
Sites for Writers (70 links with sub-categories of Buy Writing Books, Get Your Work Critiqued, Grammar and Spelling, Journalism, Lyric Writing, Magazines, Novel Writing, Perform Your Work, Publish Work Online, Publishing and Promotion, Research, Scriptwriting, Writing Competitions, Writing Courses, Writing Groups, Writing Holidays
Creative Sites for Children (18 links with sub categories of Children's Authors, Children's Publishers, Reading Sites for Children, Writing Sites for Children)
Creative sites for teens (no sub categories yet)
Literary Events (26 links with sub categories of book fairs, literary festivals and book fairs)
Sites for Poets (43 links with poetry news, online poetry, poetry writing resources and magazines)
Other Creative Sites (no sub categories as yet)
Shopping (7 lins with sub categories of Computers and Internet, Food and Drink and printing)
If you have any categories you think we should have in there, drop me an e-mail