We are the real idiots

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We are the real idiots

Has anyone else almost completely forgotten the Tory treasurer pimping sexless whore Cameron's affections to greedy business shysters?
Some timely PR from the whore's cleaning dept seems to have erased the criminal activity of our beloved government.
Our painted prince suggests that we fill our cars and jerry cans with fuel pending a ghastly driver-strike and now Britain is waiting at gas stations, honking horns and increasing taxable income for the wasteful govt. I don't know why they don't go one better and cause jams all over the country so we can sit and waste our tankload on going nowhere.
Perhaps little boy blue needs extra pocket-money to bung the mouthes of those who might otherwise entertain silly ideas of hornblowing, but surely we're made of better stuff than him.
One day the whore, the next the punter.
Why don't we stand up to the govt and call a halt to their wholesale robbery? Look at A4E and you see that they don't care about jobs for the young and apprenticeships. All they care about is filling their pockets with our money by using schemes to make out they're doing it all for us.
Another mind-numbing exercise in how to make baffoons of us all is the latest VAT snatch on hot pies. Now that Greggs is doing so well, why not whack up the price of an innocent sausage roll. They pay their taxes, do Greggs, but the rich don't.
Like the govt, the people of Britain have no backbone, just a sad excuse to get ahead at whatever cost. These are shameful times.
We deserve the govt we've got, and they're no worse than Labour.

Yes Blighters another example of cynical 'news-burying' by the criminal over-class if ever there was one. I'm deafened by the bleating of sheep whilst the wolves grin.


Bastards! The lot of them. All out for their own ends and they are there supposedly to represent our views! Bring back hanging and let them be the first to try out the new equipment!
Red, Blue, Yellow, it's all the same game. As an electorate, we reap what we sow. The only time most of us vote is on a Saturday evening. They probably feel justified. Buy petrol (Moo!)

Parson Thru

Well said, Richie... you've nailed it, mate. The thing that amazes me is that despite a supposed recession motorists will always find money for fuel and I bet if it suddenly shot up to £3 per litre, there would still be queues down the road to fill up if they were made to believe in an imminent shortage. The government have hoodwinked us into believing there's going to be a fuel shortage before it's begun and once again Joe public falls for it and panics and everyone suffers. There sheer neck in this trick of raising quick revenue to fill their shortfalls is not only blatantly obvious, but embarrassing and degrading. Some of the cabinet (and in particular, the energy secretary) ought to be hung out to dry. Nice one, Blighters.


I'm not alone then. Just read my morning meditation and it was pertinent to my grinding of teeth with the govt. It suggests wearing the world as a loose garment and not to fret over worldly problems. BUT (anger rising).. I wish the rich woulld pay some tax. Maybe all folk should pay 20% with no way of avoidance, rising to 40% after £50,000 pa. That would kep the shithead tax accountant shysters in business. The first £12,000 shouldn't be taxed at all because a grand a month equals only £33 per day, which must be the minimum one can live on in this country. A4E was given £440 million by the govt to get the jobless back into work but that money was squandered illegally on shady deals, bounty hunters, hush money, office rent and other leaky losses. That money was meant to be for the poor but it went straight back to the govt. We are in this mess because the govt is crooked. A recent survey about corruptin showed that the UK had become 'complacent'. I just think our govt is better at hiding evidence, but with further help of the media and whistleblowers, their charade could be blowwn out of the water in no time. Literally every aspect of govt is maligned with deceit and dishonesty. Even the sick and elderly are cash cows for the govt now, along with children, families and anyone who openly defies them. Social workers have been incentivised to find children for adoption since Blair's heinously wicked Children's Act, tearing innocent familes apart on the whim of sick social workers who don't care about children half as much as the targets that trigger bonuses for their council. The amount of money involved in fighting to get back/keep the child is incredible, a real money-spinner forthe govt and its facless advisors/lawyers. There is no transparency left and we all know it, but we do very little to stop it. We just sit and count ourselves lucky that it didn't happen to us, yet, even when we are far from happy. If I was given £440 million, I would certainly be able to find full-time, permanent manual work for at least 50,000 people and more likely 100,000. I stress 'manual' work because they would be using their hands and minds to make things that we need and working on the land. The govt has no intention of giving work to the underclass (previously the working class). It prefers them as a non-working entity to bully and wear down.


Problem is, if there was a revolution, or, less extreme, massive political reforms, who would be stupid enough to lead it? I mean, you've got to think, for everyone in this country, there must be a group of people who could do the job better than the current bunch of tossers, but where are they? They're staying dry at the side of the pool while the kids splash about in the water, looking on disparagingly while Cameron's pulling Milliband's speedos down. Why is this? Surely the inevitable character assassination that goes with a position of authority in the modern world. There is a reason academics stand in the shadows, and leaders stand out front looking like slapstick characters from a bawdy 70's comedy. What would The Sun and others print about Churchill if he were leading today? He wouldn't even get through the door, despite the fact that if we had a Churchill today, we certainly wouldn't be fucked into a tin hat as we are now. Mass media is bringing this world to its knees. It promotes flippant judgementalism, erodes the influence of government, and takes advantage of the fact that most people see morality as subjective. This, to me, is a cop out, as in this system, the bounds of one's morality are dictated by what they want to achieve. Just look at the phone hacking scandal, and those maggots (Piers Morgan at the Levinson enquiry made my skin crawl) hiding behind all the 'good things' to come out of their illegal tinkering. The objective was to sell papers – nothing else. There was not a shred of moral thought behind their actions, yet the taxpayer is forking out for an inquiry because ‘morality is subjective’, and we need to spend millions of pounds in retrospect finding out if what was done was enough in the public interest to negate a fluffy, Teflon-coated perception of what is right.
Actually, I may have gone a little off topic there :$
Respect Blighters. Sorry, not the George Galloway Respect, I mean genuine respect to you.


I am cabinet material. Just painted a corner cabinet and stuck it on ebay and someone's already made the reserve! Took a trip to my fave bakers for a sausage roll this avvy and we chatted about pie vat. Funny, the lady there told me there'd been vat on hot pies for ages and couldn't understand what dozy osborne's on about. I think she thinks he wants to vat the vat. seriously now, great to hear about Galloway running away with the votes in Bradford. The electorate have given up on the main parties at last. Excellent news, and well done George, a big enough man to stand against the shite!


Cameron and Osborne are doing an excellent job. The recent budget was just what the country needs to get us back on track. Keep up the good work boys!


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