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I have 266 stories published in
6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 942114 times
and 101 of my stories have been cherry picked.
60 of my 3,153 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 62 votes
I used to have a profile, but it disappeared so I am writing this to bring things up to date. First off, I love this site so much it has made such a difference to my life. Now, if I write something and I post it to ABC it will get read by someone and if it's any way decent then it can get read by quite a number of people. I feel my writing has improved and that is, in the main, because of the help I have received from quite a few people on here. I don't feel qualified to give in depth feedback although I try to help with the more obvious errors, but I mainly like to encourage people as I feel that is the best way for me to give something back .
The other reason I feel indebted to this site is the comments people have made about my work has increased my confidence no end. Before, I would never show anything I had written to anyone other than my husband and his response was always, 'Yes dear, very good.'
So thank you ABC Tales and thank you to all the people who have commented on what I, laughingly, call, my work.
Hello Insert,
Posted on Sat, 27 Jan 2018
Hello Insert,
Thank you for the read and the cement. I mean comment. It is amazing how few words are needed to get the bare bones of a story. Unfortunately, I have a problem with brevity because I always seem to take the view why use ...
Read full commentPosted in A Disturbing Sleep!
All of this is so good but
Posted on Wed, 06 Aug 2014
All of this is so good but the very best for me is ' ...she settled with the only company she had ever felt secure in, the running commentary of her mind.' Loved that and also '...melted into meaningless.' Wonderful! Congratulations on a...
Read full commentPosted in Dust
Posted on Mon, 20 Jan 2014
You always write such lovely accessible poetry but this one is special. It conveyed to me all the colours of autumn, the smell and the beauty of what for me is my favourite season..
'slammed shut' prepares us for the 'rot' of...
Read full commentPosted in As Autumn Leaves
Posted on Sat, 27 Oct 2018
'Let me lie lonely' is such a wonderful first line. Loved it.
Read full commentPosted in Let Me Lie Lonely...
Posted on Sun, 28 Oct 2018
I thought this was a lovely read. It really evoked a picture in my mind.
Read full commentPosted in Sit With Me Quietly
Hello Harryc,
Posted on Sun, 28 Oct 2018
Hello Harryc,
This extract is a wonderful piece of writing and you and your Mum made the right decision. Well done to you. I hope my girls will act when my Parkinson's becomes too difficult for me. I don't want to end my days in a...
Read full commentPosted in Gift: A Son's Story (short extract 3)
There you see. If I had
Posted on Tue, 02 Oct 2018
There you see. If I had written that it might rhyme but it wouldn't convey what you have manage4 to convey Aah well, I'll keep taking the tablets.
Moya x
Read full commentPosted in Will you give me a fresh start?
Yes, it doesn't surprise me
Posted on Fri, 12 Oct 2018
Yes, it doesn't surprise me that you are good at alliteration. You are a true poet. You see and cleverly express what you see which helps me no end. I think I just don't have a poetic soul but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the work of people...
Read full commentPosted in Autumn Splash
Hello Rhiannnonw,
Posted on Thu, 18 Oct 2018
Hello Rhiannnonw,
Had to congratulate you on reaching 1000 pieces of work. What an achievement. I remember Tina reaching that milestone too. This poem was up to your usual standard. Clever and insightful.
Moya x
Read full commentPosted in Junk Mail
Hello DiHard,
Posted on Sun, 21 Oct 2018
Hello DiHard,
I wish I could write like that. That's poetry that is.
I enjoyed reading this but where does it come from? You see things that a pleb like me never see. Hey Ho! That's the way of it.
Read full commentPosted in clues