RE: Cent - A horror story
Fri, 2012-05-18 11:32
RE: Cent - A horror story
Topic posted in response to Cent - A horror story :
This is my first try at a horror story. There will be a collection of these, possably if this one isn't too bad.
Need some feedback. Was it interesting? Or was it just boring?
Hi AeroNaut,
I've put my two cents in...
Please forgive that awful pun.
Remember - commenting on others work will mean you are more likely to get comments back - comments aren't like currency on ABC, which is great, but they are a way to engage with people and build up a better understanding of the people behind the writing, become part of a community, and of course, improve your art!
Steve is right AeroNaut,if you comment on my work for example I will certainly let you know what I think about your new horror writing
Had a read. Needs to be more horror less light.
I said it's not like currency guys, trading comments for comments is not the idea, surely?
I'll comment on this sort of thing if I've got the time.
If someone wants to link their work on the forum, and then never comment on anyone else's work or even read it, then who is really losing out?
Steve, no it is not currency of course but the forum has traditionally been for topics for discussion. If we use it to flag up our work then it will surely be clogged with that and nothing else. If people comment on my work I always comment on theirs in addition to commenting on theirs in the ordinary course of reading etc on the site
And as you will see Steve I just read one of your poems
I agree Lavadis, I would never do it, as it invites too much honesty!! ;) As someone who has been using ABC for a little while now, I can see how it could ruffle people's feathers, especially if it's clogging the forums up and preventing sensible discussion. My impression was that Mr or Mrs Aeronaut was new, naive and needing a bit of ABC love to make them feel welcome.
Aside from this, thank you; for the read, and the brilliant comment, and the cherry. Really, really appreciated - I'm made up!
Well you know what to do now Steve - read a chapter of "Ex" .
I bloody loved your poem - it moved me from the first sentence.
Lavadis, thank you again, and yes, I think Sunday afternoon will be my 'Ex' time, looking forward to it!
Stan, I didn't realise it was so prevalent, if the editors are having to remove them then its probably a bit much. I do find it strange that after asking for comments in such a public way, people wouldn't at least acknowledge others' help. Maybe we need a seperate forum for pr and marketing?!