I've been thinking about this thread for a while, but have held back - this isn't one of those 'please massage my low-self-esteem threads'.
The more writing I do, the more it becomes apparent to me that there are certain things I can't do as a writer. (I'm sure that all of us feel that there are some areas we're better at than others).
Problem being, that the thing I can't do (and dislike doing) is describing places and people; and it sort of occurs to me that that really is quite a fundamental part of writing.
I don't know why I've got this huge antipathy to doing it. I can write dialogue all day, but if I ever have to say what someone looks like, it really has to be forced.
So, two topics on the thread - what do we see as our own strengths and weaknesses, and what elements of writing are really indispensable (if any) ? When you work through a story, what elements always seem to need fixing ?