Car Tunes
Sun, 2001-08-19 17:04
Car Tunes
This is quite a diversion and has really nothing to do with anything, but has anyone else noticed how all those cars with the stereo turned up are all playing the same tune?
I don't know what it is but it goes:... "... Thumperty-thumperty- thump-thump..." any ideas?
Try playing Rachmaninoff/Stravinsky/Vaugh Williams/on speakers that big in a dark tinted window car... that would be funny...but what would really actually work would be Miles Davis..
Ride of the Valkyries. Nothing like it.
I've got it on an old Danny Kaye album, along with Nellie the Elephant..but woudl it make a loud enough tape?
Can't think of clever response..tried six but they were all bad....there must be a pun or even a joke that could do it...
actually back to the car tunes...what about the other extreme...lextra loud Gregorian chant?...maybe you could calm Birmingham city centre on a Saturday with that.....
i did once here someone blasting michael nyman's "memorial" outside the bull ring about that wouldn't have been you would it kim?
whippet? good
i drive an open-top and play Under a Blood Red Sky...
One time my son and I pulled up next to a car that was particularly loud. We were playing my sons music in the car. He's 4. So we turned it up. Kiddie songs at loud volume definitely get you looks. My son thought it was the funniest thing. ;o)
Nothing can calm Birmingham any day of the week!
We had the 'four minute warning once'... thought it was a factory hooter & all went to work early.
Excellent follow through on this idea..I like the idea of incongruous musical happenings..I thought about having a straight classical singer strapped to the top of your car and driving round quite fast whilst they attempted to sing Schubert nicely...i know that's cruel..but what the heck
I also like that idea from the mum to turn up the kiddie music...I'm sure there's more "Mile"-age in these ideas
What other situations would certain types of music by devastating?
I too have a CD player and cannot drive anywhere without music - however, I have noticed that if I have loud rock on (ie GNR) I tend to drive faster - giving fuel to the idea that road rage is caused by people listening to either no music or the wrong music in their cars -
So I now stick to calming Ani Difranco and cheesy pop!
I refuse to listen to music when I'm driving. It distracts me from cutting people off and stealing parking spaces. OK, once in a great while I listen to "Box Car Willy" or maybe "Johnny Cash" but that is only when I'm wearing my Batman suit and feeling a bit wild.
Sir Folgers
PS. Caffiene Power!
Someone was giving me a lift once, with windows wound down and radio at loud volume. All at once, the radio started a round of 'guess the tv theme' , so as we pulled up by some traffic lights, the theme to "Heartbeat" was pumping out at colossal volume.
It took us a long while to get it together enough to carry on driving. Lovely image, the usual hard-man pounding beat seguing into a delightful fifties gentle sunday teatime show theme song. Kept imagining the passers-by thinking "Do they think they're cool,or something ? "
Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree would be good one to counteract the usual garbage. Or Nat King Coles "When I fall in love"
Good one, Andrew... can you get Tubby the Tuba on tape?
It's a tune?
Are you SURE Fecky??
In my day, songs HAD tunes...
*grumbles old baggishly*
I think what you are actually hearing is the drivers thinking out load!
Shall I try that again, 'loud'!
I liked the first version best, mississippi.
It's definitely NOT a song, Liana - I don't think it's even music!
And it's definitely NOT the engine... (those were the days when your only ICE was the rattling of the tappets... do cars still have them or have they been replaced with CD players?)
*ICE= In Car Entertainment, or Internal Combustion Engine - (Im not sure what I'm rambling about anymore)*
i've also noticed that if you dare play anything loud in your own car that doesn’t do the thumpety-thump thing, you do tend to get very aggressive looks from people who look as if their name might be darren…in my experience nothing succeeds in this effect quite like tom waite...