Fooling the counter

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Fooling the counter

I've got such a sad life... just found out how to fool the counter that records how many times a story has been read..

... wanna know?...

...I select the story once then read it twice - sometimes three times - while it's on screen...
...clever or what?

Anonymous's picture
what i like to do is go to my own work and keep clicking on it to make it look like it's been read by lots of people. i've knotched up about 40 hits that way and i feel really pleased with the way things are going. moreover, i've been filling in the five star radio button each time i make a hit. so check out my five star forty hit story (without cherries). because nobody else is.
Anonymous's picture
You've been hitting the 5 star button, yeah? Didn't it tell you that you were a cheeky sod and to bog off? I'm sure it used to...
Anonymous's picture
P'raps the culprit has been doin' it from a mate's PC? Naughty hermaphrodite!
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
*very* clever fecky...what you could also do is click the same story loads of times and [and this is the sneaky bit] NOT read it once! brilliant, eh?
Anonymous's picture
You can only fool some.............etc etc etc AJ
Anonymous's picture
I'd take up knitting, if I were you, Fecky...
Anonymous's picture
Yes I can thoroughly recommend knitting, Fecky! :-)
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