On TV last night...

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On TV last night...

Last night, extremely knackered, I lay in bed watching some American made for TV film..usually enough to tip me over the edge into a 6 hour coma. However, this film was actually intriguing....a woman, hit by a truck, woke in hospital, with her identity completely changed. Her name, her family, her job, everything had altered, and the more she tried to insist that she was not the person that she apparently was, the more people appeared to tell her that she was. Phone numbers of friends she called mysteriously turned into Pizza Delivery places, and her old house contained another family.
Fascinating as all this was (I know, I know) I fell asleep at this point (I was utterly knackered, ok?)
When I woke, I was utterly furious to have missed the end.
I dont watch TV as a rule, and now, am agog to find out what happened.....anyone else see it?
Or, if no one did, can anyone think of a plausible ending to set my mind at rest?

*chewing nails*

Anonymous's picture
It was an allegory. But...it is possible that you had already fallen asleep before you thought you did, that the film was a vision, or a stark warning of the shifting nature of reality in life, and how the fiction of real life engulfs us all as the tidal wave swallows the coastal town. But don't worry, you were the only person to see it.
Anonymous's picture
Ohhhh Angel...l LIKE it :o))))
Anonymous's picture
Are you considering watching a film tonight? Because you would be better sitting down and writing and writing and writing and writing. The pictures inside your head are far more vivid, strange and moving than anything I can find in tonight's Guide.
A Local Hack
Anonymous's picture
How's the writing coming along?
A Total Lack
Anonymous's picture
Very slow!
A vocal pratt
Anonymous's picture
Liana, sorry to be so slow. The ending was strange but satisfying. It turned out that she had a long lost twin sister who wanted her inheritence, anyway there was a big set too and one got killed but we never found out who!
Anonymous's picture
Really? So how did all her friends not recognise her etc? Are you just humouring me? :o)
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I know because, I know because, I know because I never loved him the way I loved you. Sorry, Sommersby flashbacks.
Anonymous's picture
"utterly" is NOT a word with such regularity in real life. Thank gawd....
Anonymous's picture
That I USE with such regularity in real life. *scans above post for errors* Think I'll go back to bed....
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
I think I watched some of it and fell asleep too, wasn't the women an actress who was in Twin Peaks ? Sherilyn Fenn I think Sorry I can't reveal the ending, Look forward to heating from someone who can !!!
Anonymous's picture
Yes! That was her sister. I have driven everyone at work completely nuts with it....all this falling asleep gives the impression that it was a crappy film, when actually it was pretty good. PLEASE someone rescue me......
Anonymous's picture
turns out it was mary poppins having a nightmare.
Anonymous's picture
Hrmm *disappointed*
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