idea number one

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idea number one

Incongruent re-mixes.....der.....
We were talking about Bob Dylan the other day and because of the special quality of his voice wondered what re-mixes he could'll get the drift if you imagine his voice singing ABBA hits like "Take a Chance on Me"..."Dancing Queen"??.........go on try it!
Then we tried to think of other happy clappy songs that he could be re-mixed onto.." Annie's Song"? any ideas??
Who else could we re-mix incongruently?

Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Radiohead's rendition of Cliff Richard's `Congatulations`, got in on bootleg from a market in Croyden, it has a brass band on it, pre `OK Computer`!
Anonymous's picture
Garry Glitter warbling 'Thank Heaven for Little Girls'... Ooops.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
A whole album of Nirvana covers by Telly Tubbies Ricky Martin angst ridden Slipnot re-mixes
Anonymous's picture
The US Government All-Male Choir singing (in harmony) 'Honesty...' (y'know, the Billy Joel thing?)
Anonymous's picture
Excellent idea Andrea..perhaps we should include world heroes in this? Ian Duncan Smith leads a choir of Bosnian asylum seekers in "American Pie" .....sorry that's abit grim really..I meant this to be light relief!! What about back to Bob Dylan...This time he and Mick Jagger got together for a reggae re-mix of "Hey Big Spender" featuring a special rap insert from Big Shirley herself
Anonymous's picture
Oh, but I like that, Kim! How about Tone and the Labours...'I Heard it on the Grapevine'?
Anonymous's picture
How about Pantera doing that (absolutely awful) Celine Dion song from Titanic?
Anonymous's picture
Germaine Greer's cutesy version of Prodigy's "Slap your Bitch up" ???
Anonymous's picture
Tony Benn (bless him!) - 'Give Peace a Chance'
Anonymous's picture
actually yeah bless tony benn I agree
Anonymous's picture
blair could sing I'll Follow The Sun perhaps...and i think it would do bono some good to sing something by half man half biscuit...kylie could have a stab at beefheart's Floppy Boot Stomp...
Anonymous's picture
Makes a change from dancing the Floppy Boob Stomp. *deeply jealous*
Anonymous's picture
Makes a change from dancing the Floppy Boob Stomp. *deeply jealous*
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
One for each boob!
Anonymous's picture
I can drop a boob like the rest of 'em :o) The page timed out whilst it was posting. Strange it came up twice...
Anonymous's picture
Robert, I think some other ladies could benefit from a grapple with the Captain's..or maybe TomWaites' or Leonard Cohen's or even Velvet Underground tracks............. Martine McCluskin (not really sure how to do that spelling) could give a really new feel to Velvet's "I'm waiting for my man". Liana and Andrea you could be in charge of the video and perhaps some time in that boobs? All I the best possible taste of course Mark could watch!
Anonymous's picture
Oooh, I'd love to hear this... Ann Widdecombe - 'Everybody Must Get Stoned...' (one of Bob's (not the Builders) finest, Kim, I'm sure you'll agree). I think I'll pass on the boobs - ain't been able to find 'em for years.
Anonymous's picture
there must be a whole album's worth of songs for anne widdecombe...Everybody Must Get Stoned would have to be the single [B side: Roll With It?] i'm beginning to wish kim hadn't started this. i'm sitting here trying to imagine tom waits singing Spice Up Your Life...and all this boobs talk is very distracting too...
Anonymous's picture
Ms Widdecombe's back...sorry, B side, should definitely be...'Do You Think I'm sexy?'
Anonymous's picture
I was sitting here mulling over what song I could remix with Morrissey until I realised that singing and Morrissey is an incongruent mix anyway! ~post dedicated to robert~
Julie Andrews
Anonymous's picture
I always thought that if young Hendrix was still with us, children, he could have brought an added dimension to most of my back catalogue. You Are Sixteen would be my favourite.
Anonymous's picture
Having listened to 'Love and Theft' he could try 'The Sound Of Silence' !
Anonymous's picture
oh dear oh dear...I feel very awed by your contributions..unfortunately i foolishly mentioned this at a party and well der...the following is the reslut (result i mean) "I should be so lucky" Tom Waites and Leonard Cohen duo "Sunday Bloody Sunday" by Margaret Thatcher backings from Norman Tebbitt Eminem sings radicla new up beat mix on "Two Four Six Eight Motorway" Posh Spice "sings" Leonard Cohen's "Suzanne Takes You Down" And FINALLY..Little Rob says he wants this may have to research a little to get this one in your head:- The Dead Kennedys version of George Frombie's "When I'm Cleaning Windows" a double A side with George Formbie singing "Holiday in Cambodia" If you don't get it it's about shared frenetic dugadungdugadung-ness of this music That's me done!!!!
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Johny Rotten singing `Ave Maria`.
Anonymous's picture
ar first I thought you quite mad kim until I managed to place the 'new' voice onto the 'happy' song. I'm still chuckling as I type to the sound of axle rose singing 'chirpy chirpy cheep cheep'.
Anonymous's picture
That new bloke George Dubbelyew's rendition of 'I'll Do It My Way'?
Anonymous's picture
Tricky doing "The Hills are Alive with the Sounds of Music" Tom Jones doing "Kiss"..oh no I forgot he did that Back to Bob now doing Y.M.C.A.
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