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Many thanks to editor 101 for the cherry - appreciated seeing as i'm in such talented company..

Anonymous's picture
robert and andrew made me feel guilty when they posted above since I often only read one or two items each day. So, on Friday night I read about 20 pieces and about another dozen or so over the w/e. But, I noticed that hardly any reading was going on all weekend. perhaps everyone was away? but no, hang on, look at the evidence: between friday lunchtime and sunday lunchtime there were roughly 100 new pieces submitted by 40 or so different writers. many other people must have looked in as well. excluding items that have been resubmitted, an awful lot of 'stuff' has still only been read once or twice and nothing seems to have been hit more than ten times. having said all that I really cannot see the point in uploading dozens of items in one go. no one is going to wade through that amount of stuff by one author in one go or even several goes - apart from the poor old editors. *grudgingly* admits that robert is quite correct for once. - note the pointy finger thingy there-
Anonymous's picture
Oops! sorry editor 90 - too many hours, too many working, too few sleeping - and if there is an editor 101 - sorry for the error.
Anonymous's picture
Perhaps you were thinking of the room (101). Well done Martyn. Feels nice, no?
Editor Number 6
Anonymous's picture
I am not a number. patrick.
Ralph Dartford
Anonymous's picture
Good Evening.
Anonymous's picture
Hello Liana Yes it does - and thanks for the reply - enjoy your day. Martyn
Anonymous's picture
Sorry Patrick.... I know what you mean..... When i awaken in the sunlight stepping out to greet the day i will strive to do those things deemed right this i promise, come what may For though my future is uncertain and whether bound in chains or free Whatever i am wherever i am i will be me. martyn.
Anonymous's picture
Sorry Patrick.... I know what you mean..... When i awaken in the sunlight stepping out to greet the day i will strive to do those things deemed right this i promise, come what may For though my future is uncertain and whether bound in chains or free Whatever i am wherever i am i will be me. martyn.
Anonymous's picture
Good evening then - good morning now Ralph - how goes things in your world?
Anonymous's picture
I see you are not above posting things twice yerself mate! :o)
Anonymous's picture
Oops! - must learn not to tap tap on te keys.....
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Only been here a fortnight and people have forgotten who I am. I am Editor 90 and yes, I cannot tell a lie, it was I who chopped down that cherry tree. It was a good poem Martyn. Might be a nice voluntary gesture if when a person's story/poem is cherry-picked, they then read two stories or poems by someone else - dropping them a line if they are particularly good. Purely a voluntary thing, but it seems a nice thing to do if your own work has received a bit of recognition.
Anonymous's picture
*grudgingly* another good idea, andrew...i'd add that it can also be very beneficial to read as much work by other people as possible; from the hundreds of pieces on the site that have had very few hits, it looks as if some people are just posting their stuff and never reading anything else
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
It is important that this is a site of readers as well as writers. Not only is there a lot of very good readable stuff out there on abc, but you are supporting people with the same dreams as you by reading their stuff and it is also valuable for your own writing to read something and wonder about how you might have tackled certain lines or admire a particular way of doing something.
Anonymous's picture
Hear hear, i'll raise a glass or three of j.d. to that sentiment, although ometimes a person likes to keep his own style free of other influences, and of this i have been guilty on occassion. - nice idea and i will indulge myself - tis only the polite thing to do methinks. Martyn.
Anonymous's picture
Go easy on the cherry brandies, Martyn, they seem to be giving you typos.. Well done!!
Anonymous's picture
I have a question. Why do the editors have to have numbers? It reminds me of the little pieces of paper I get in my underwear packages!! But, ya know. Why not just tell us your real names (or abctales name) instead of some silly number? And besides, it helps me know which of the editors I like!! And can I be editor no. 101?
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Why are you Donignacio and not Michael ? Personal choice. Me, I'm happy that Editor 90 and Andrew Pack are the same thing, but it is entirely a matter for the individual. I'm not sure how to feel about the fact I remind Donignacio of his underwear...
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
It's a techy thing - if we used names rather than numbers we'd have to tweak the code every time we got a new editor. With numbers, the computer can generate a number on its own. Hope this helps Emily (not entirely sure what number I am!)
donignacio (Michael)
Anonymous's picture
Maybe you're number 101, Emily Dubberly!
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