Oh dear.....

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Oh dear.....

Something I've never seen before came up while I was checking my messages.

I seem to somehow have been given editor's status - a thingummy saying 'editors, click here to cherry-pick this story came up while I was answering a comment on a story of mine called 'Mr. Taylor,' so being a prat and a curious one at that I clicked it and gave my own story cherries.

WhaddoIdonow? WhaddoIdonow? WhaddoIdonow?

I'm in an awful panic, I don't want folks to think that I think my story deserves cherries, if that makes sense.....
Oh my. Lucky you! Haha. Kidding. Have you, um, perhaps sent an email about it to the admin? Or something? What a pickle, I must say. And yet...oddly enough, I sort of wish I was in your shoes. :/


I've done that, Jessica, now I'm waiting patiently for my self appointed cherries to be viciously plucked away. Waah!
You know what would be funny? If they analyse the problem, only to discover that 'Mr. Taylor' actually deserved those cherries. Gasp.


Even if it does deserve them, I wouldn't feel happy blowing my own trumpet.
don't worry. I always give my own stories cherries. You can sell them for a discounted fee?


Hi Walrus. Did I ever tell you about how I'm a massive fan of your work?


If you did tell me that, sid, I curiously fail to remember it. I've gotten myself into rather a mess, haven't I?
Aah, the cherries have evaporated, just when I was daydreaming about unfairly wielding my new found power.....
There is a rumour that it's £1000 per year to become an ed, plus £5 for every story you cherry,no way I could afford it. You must be very rich walrus!


Yeh but Stan I hear it's only £80K, so not really worth it.


Whatever rumours are doing the rounds, I'll have you know that I'm a very poor, practically destitute walrus. I have barely enough herring, haddock, bloaters and sticklebacks to sustain my huge, blubbery carcass, never mind enough to hawk at the nearest market (which is, incidentally, several hundred miles away from Walrus HQ) to raise enough wonga to feed and clothe my walrus/Innuit hybrid kids and send them to school in Iceland (where all the best mums go, or so I've heard). Times are hard, and tasty fishes are few and far between. If anyone is thinking of mentioning that sticklebacks are not native to the Arctic, I know that; I have the little buggers imported - surely I'm entitled to a tiny, spiny, utterly brine-free treat now and then.
You should have gone on a cherry-picking spree haha! No, but seriously. Least you got it sorted.
I could be buried - gasping - beneath a cherry orchard right now.....
Daww. :P Chin up, man! xx
