poetry competition

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poetry competition

Just to let anyone who is interested in poetry know . . .
Penhaligon Page Ltd is looking for poems that reflect childhood memories for new publictaion 'as time goes by'. No more than 30 lines - no restrictions to genre or style - only two entries per person. Email to penpage@lineone.net or fax entries to 01733 313524. Closing date for entries is 15th October.
Huge disclaimer - I know nothing about this company or how it operates! I just came across the competition and thought I'd share.
Good luck to one and all.

Anonymous's picture
If it is anything to do with 'Poetry Now' I would give it a wide berth. That's just a personal opinion.
Anonymous's picture
just the word peterborough strikes fear into this poet's heart ...
Anonymous's picture
Do they have a website? I might just check into this further. Thanks.
Anonymous's picture
I'm not sure, didn't take a note of it at the time! But I do remember that the company is based in Peterborough, UK if that helps (maybe give them a call?) Good luck and glad to see that at least one person read my message! It makes the typing time worth while!
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