Ode on war

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Ode on war

I call upon my fellow writers to add to this continuing poem commemorating the deaths of the innocent

Oh! the bombs fall from the sky: poisoned confetti of intolerance
Lay down the children's heads and point towards the east
Screw up your hatred of black, pink and tangled vices
Across the azure dawn: Jesus weeps

Anonymous's picture
yes indeed fish ... a kind of spike milligan ode. - actually I suspect stuart is just getting his own back. we will all be called tossers very soon -
Anonymous's picture
er.... you are all tossers... OK?
Anonymous's picture
excellent! thanks Stuart.
Anonymous's picture
*quickly translating to croatian and back*
Anonymous's picture
And the result, Fish?
Anonymous's picture
Oh! the fall of the bombs of the sky: confetti poisoned of intolerance places the heads of the children and points with respect to the screw of the east above of its hatred of vice black color, rose and tangled through the dawn azure: Jesus weeps hmmmm .... interesting
Anonymous's picture
Well, at least they got the 'Jesus weeps' bit right. Cripes!
Anonymous's picture
now it has been into german and back ... OH -! the case of the bombs of the sky: confetti, which by the intolerance is poisoned, places the headings of the children and the points regarding the screw of the east above his hate of the black vice-colour, rose and confused by dawn-azure: Jesus cries i do apologise stuart ... please blame liana ... she has caused a rash of translation obsession to sweep the site ... i am seeing the shrink in the morning ...
Anonymous's picture
Er...how about the Clog version, Fish? ...and what's all this screwing of the East thang? *curious but lazy*
Anonymous's picture
doesn't translate to cloggy sorry andrea ... although you can do a whole web page and "poetry rocks" translates to "Rocas de los Poemas" or something like that ... perhaps my blood sugar is low???
Anonymous's picture
Huh! We always get left out...
Anonymous's picture
you realise we have hijacked this thread andrea? ... i was just wondering if this translation obsession of mine is down to the fact that i cannot speak any other languages? i bought "Teach Yourself Russian" not so long ago ... haven't read it yet ...
Tosser of the D...
Anonymous's picture
The kettle calls the Pot Black version: Screw the white onto the pink and off the cushion onto the black. across the green baize. Jesus Wept.
Anonymous's picture
Did you know, Fish (bet you did, tho') that Richard Burton (the explorer, not the actor), spoke about 26 languages fluently and all learned by poring, by candlight, over letters and dictionaries? He was so fluent, in fact, in one of the more obscure Arabic tongues, that he managed to get to Mecca undetected...an unheard of feat never before (or since) achieved by a 'westener'. So get working on that Russian thingy, girl...
Pot Pal
Anonymous's picture
it's clever: it might be art; but it's not smart. Jesus pockets.
Anonymous's picture
If it's anything like Cz (and I know it is) expect sleepless nights matey.....
poem bin lardon
Anonymous's picture
nice work fish. now...... we just need a target for this hijacked verse I have an idea...... but it might mean you going down.... with the thread though...
Anonymous's picture
ah yes .... a strategic ode ... show me how ...
Anonymous's picture
will it be one of those smart odes that destroys masonry but miraculously doesn't harm little children or other people?
Anonymous's picture
...just spotted it...aaarrrggghhh, meant 'Westerner' of course (slip of the finger). Sorry, Eric.
Anonymous's picture
richard burton the actor was fluent in eyebrow language wasn't he?
Anonymous's picture
Oh, but such a luvverly dark-brown voice he had (to match the eyebrows - not an easy language to perfect at the best of times). The actor, you understand, not the intrepid explorer...
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