Poetry Gauntlet

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Poetry Gauntlet

A challenge to all poets and a discussion point - what things don't poets ever write about ?

My challenge is this - there are many love poems on the site. There are unrequited love poems, there are contented love poems, lost love poems and my-ex-is-awful-and-treated-me-bad poems.

But there are no poems where the poet is in the wrong - no poems where the poet finished with someone they once loved, because they got fed up or fancied someone else a bit more.

There are three solutions - one. Poets are only ever wronged in love, never the wrongdoer.
two poets have selective memories three this is an untapped market of poems for the slightly guilty rather than the heartbroken.

anyone gonna write one and post it in their set ?

Anonymous's picture
I feel a new thread coming on.....
Anonymous's picture
much as i am loathe to promote my good friend ivoryfishbone, one of the first poems of hers that i read was A State, and this does i think fit into the Poet Decides Unilaterally to End Relationship category. but it's a good question. i've certainly written my share of victim poetry; perhaps i should try to write about some of my own bad behaviour for a change...*shudders*...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Another success for the Gauntlet... On subject of meeting parents. "meeting mother" by Ivoryfishbone is an utter cracker. www.abctales.com/abcplex/viewstory.cgi?s=10437 (But only for eighteeens and over)
Anonymous's picture
Ooooooh yes, a corker indeed!!
Anonymous's picture
*snatches up gauntlet gleefully*
Anonymous's picture
p.s. cheers rob mate ivory x x x
Anonymous's picture
My "Bonfire" fits into "im buggering off" category, l think......
Martin T (mjt21)
Anonymous's picture
My "never" is about me pissing off an ex mightily.....and I really enjoyed writing it.....
stormy 20%
Anonymous's picture
unfaithful is well worth a read actually.
Anonymous's picture
So is "Advent" Always buggering off, me *stares gloomily at screen*
Anonymous's picture
Thanks, Funky.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
See - I knew some poets were honest. Some crackers there. But the prize goes to young Robert, for pointing me in the direction of Ivoryfishbones "A State" www.abctales.com/abcplex/viewstory.cgi?s=3582 An absolute belter. Anyone prepared to write me a new one ?
Anonymous's picture
oh am i off the hook now then?
Anonymous's picture
Having just returned to the threads after ISP breakdown, I find that most things have been said on this subject. Sure, most poets see themsewlves as victims - they're probably just articulating the way that most of us see ourselves.. if we're honest. Oddly, the only poem of mine that accepts responsibility for juvenile failings, "Dear Sarah", is the most read. Not cherried - and nor does it deserve to be - but at least it lays the blame where it belongs.
Anonymous's picture
Hey ole muzz has 2 or 3 How could I? and Train of thought
Anonymous's picture
i am interested to know if there are other things poets never write about ... i am happy to try and write a poem on any suggested thing that poets never write about ...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
One I thought of today was "Meeting parents of a new lover" or "Awkward, empty conversation with someone you were once intimate with" "Sometimes bottling it up is better than writing about it" - difficult to see that one coming off... Defrosting a freezer, buying petrol ? How much do I have to spend on plasters and Nivea Before I can buy perfume with my Boots advantage card?
Anonymous's picture
shall i write an awkward empty conversation whilst buying petrol poem andrew?
Anonymous's picture
Andrew, I think my poem 'And Yet' might qualify. It does in my mind anyway. Here's a link http://www.abctales.com/abcplex/viewStory.cgi?s=6333 Let me know what you think. ;o) Thanks Lisa
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
She sounded pretty on the phone, we agreed on carnations, I saw her first and ran back to the station.
Ofar Quarson
Anonymous's picture
ok for a feal life experince poem of misfortune read Trannie Terror at - http://www.abctales.com/abcplex/viewuser.cgi?u=ofar
funky seagull
Anonymous's picture
We kiss on hilltop- wind blows all around I think of someone else
Ike Ewe
Anonymous's picture
5 7 5
Anonymous's picture
I'm gonna write a poem one day. Maybe I should work on one instead of wasting time on these discussion boards. (Hmmm... sounds like a CAPITAL idea!) Maybe since I'm not a poet, I can write something U-N-N-Y-O-U-Z-H-U-E-I-L-L. Kind of like my spelling of unusual.
Anonymous's picture
and post them on the site
Anonymous's picture
filliing up and we are side by side i haven't recognised your car realise that all these years was foolish idly looking out for you in queues for traffic lights or in tailbacks on the motorway i wondered what i might say if we rolled down our windows and what can be said to someone who has been there on summer walks there in snow or brought you daffodils when you were laid up in bed and didn't mind the sneezing held you anyway we took different roads and now you're there unexpected filling up in a place we never went you catch my eye and there in our mouths instead of those easy jokes that finished each other are stranger smiles your hand on the roof of that unfamiliar car a hand i held, i held it in cinemas, in coffee shops and all those times outside the library "you've changed your car," you say as i say, "how's your mum?" "lead replacement," i make a face that would have told a story once "she's fine," you say and walk across the forecourt to pay
Anonymous's picture
Nice one Fish...
Eddie Gibbons
Anonymous's picture
Dear Miss X There were several typographical errors in your recent love letter to me. I return it to you for the necessary amendments. For is read was For we read me For hot read not For kiss read miss For love read shove For forever read never For cherish read perish For wanton read wanting For mistress read distress For undying read denying For breathless read lifeless For satisfaction read inaction For infatuation read trepidation For sweetheart read weepheart For monogamy read monotony For foreplay read beforeplay For laughter read slaughter For relation read deflation For caress read careless For darling read snarling For panting read parting For tender read tinder For loving read lying For tongue read tied For Eros read errors For come read gone For can read can’t For you read her For sex read ex Yours Unfaithfully, Mr. Y
Anonymous's picture
Bloody Hell. *throws down pen for ever*
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Are you going to put that one up Eddie? I really liked it *says Andrew, warming up cherries, then realising how awful that sentence sounds in the cold light of day*
Anonymous's picture
Thankfully, you use a keyboard, Liana.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
I'm going to declare my poetry gauntlet a success so far. Have found some good poems on unusual subjects and had some fine contributions from Eddie and Ivory. How about "Wondering why your mate is going out with HIM?"
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
poems of lost love remind me of the Autumn when trees whisper
Anonymous's picture
Hey Eddie jus wanna say I respect you. Donating 30% of the profits from your book to the big issue is a pure-hearted thing to do... enuf respect... funky_seagull
Anonymous's picture
My poem Unfaithful.....doesn't count coz it's not about me (stares quickly at feet..) heheheh...
Anonymous's picture
Hey Fish! I challenge you to write a poem about "calling in sick at work when your not really ill" (as its something I am personally guilty of once in a while, I would like to see it written in poetic form!!! heheheh...rubs hands with glee....hey, It might give me some new ideas for the next "sickie" I want off hahaha...)
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