Horror Words!!!
I am curious to know if any of you have certain words that you hate typing/writing, because you are not sure how to spell them. (Even though you have written them a million times in the past.)
Or is it me just being plain old thick again (A/level English was a two year fading memory of booze, late nights and the latest Nirvana release!!!)
Among my own personal enemies so to speak are as follows:
(please refrain from laughing...)
1: Minuete (I still don't know if that is the correct spelling!)
2: Manoeuvred(?)
3: Irrelevant I always get confused with "va" or "ve"
I could go on for hours, but I will not continue to humiliate myself any further!!!
I wanna know all those ball-aching words that render you reaching for the spell checker.....
If there are any spelling mistakes in my post, please understand that they are deliberate and nessercerry, er...necessary...oh sod it.....