Horror Words!!!

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Horror Words!!!

I am curious to know if any of you have certain words that you hate typing/writing, because you are not sure how to spell them. (Even though you have written them a million times in the past.)
Or is it me just being plain old thick again (A/level English was a two year fading memory of booze, late nights and the latest Nirvana release!!!)

Among my own personal enemies so to speak are as follows:
(please refrain from laughing...)

1: Minuete (I still don't know if that is the correct spelling!)

2: Manoeuvred(?)

3: Irrelevant I always get confused with "va" or "ve"

I could go on for hours, but I will not continue to humiliate myself any further!!!
I wanna know all those ball-aching words that render you reaching for the spell checker.....

If there are any spelling mistakes in my post, please understand that they are deliberate and nessercerry, er...necessary...oh sod it.....

Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Separate gets me too, but one word I always have problems with is Sincerely. It just never looks right. It still doesn't. Today I had to make five attempts to write Friendly. That little red squiggle kept coming up underneath it, and for the life of me I couldn't work out what I was doing wrong. I was writing freindly and frienly and friendley and all sorts of things. In the end I had to refer to the spellcheck. And guess what? Friendly was in there. And it wasn't even the American spelling. Talking of spellchecks, has anyone been picked up by the red squiggle for spelling something wrong, changed it to the spellcheck's suggestion, and the next time you go in been picked up again and suggested you change it back. World-wide and Worldwide springs to mind as an example. (That last paragraph doesn't quite make sense, does it?)
Anonymous's picture
I was doing some paperwork at work last weekend and I couldn't remember how to spell Saturday! Oh how my boss laughed...
Anonymous's picture
It was probably hysteria primate...... I've got staff like that :o)
Anonymous's picture
if i write to my friends tami or shaughn, the spellchecker suggests calling them tampon and shag...
Anonymous's picture
Markovic becomes Moronic on mine :o)
Anonymous's picture
Karl...Yes I also have the "spell check" problem. Just while you are in throes of a really good rythm(?) rhythm!of writing, the feckin' red squiggle flashes, and you have to start all over. Then you go through the heartache of editing the whole sentence just for another GREEN line to inform that you have fucked it up again! (tuts loudly)
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
What's a dictionary?
Anonymous's picture
I'm a terrible speller i have to correct and re-corrcet everything and then get someone to read it..The worst word recently was "Rendevous" which still looks bloody stupid..that's a problem in itself..words that aren't spelt wrong but just suddenly look bloody stupid..... commend recommend necessary Karl I have a very corrupted spell checker. I suppose the only solution is to patiently go through the dictionary and correct it?
Jemma Benson
Anonymous's picture
Isn't it 'Rendezvous'? Oh what the bloody hell do I know? What about commities (?) you know, the people that are designated (you see another one!) to represent in a meeting!
Doctor Cherry
Anonymous's picture
I have a variety of personal enemas
Anonymous's picture
...if you care to step into my surgery....
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Being (very mildly) dyslexic, there are an awful lot. Anything that ends ly or ley is a complete nightmare. Luckily, I have a very good memory and just remember how words look. I can't look at a word and necessarily know that it is spelt right (btw it is necessary for a shirt to have one Collar and two Sleeves...)
Anonymous's picture
Linsi, is that number one a dance, a segment of time or something very small? A perfect example of something we all do, maybe. I suppose we all have blocks - usually concerning really simple words. I've written whole chapters with seperate instead of separate, earning myself a dull groan and a thwack round the head each time my better half reads it. I know how to spell minuscule and ukulele, because they're uncommon and trip the memory. In fact, I wouldn't even know how to incorporate a ukulele into a story. (Don't mention the ghost of George Formby - he very rarely played that particular instrument.) No, it's the simple everyday words that we somehow seem blind to. I know there are others that defeat me regularly, but I'll only recall them two minutes after posting this!
Anonymous's picture
Neccesarry...i think or something close to that. As for that separate and seperate thing well now i'm just completely (theres another one) lost.
Anonymous's picture
Thank God I'm not the only one!
Anonymous's picture
Everytime I write the word necessary, I mutter under my breath: Never Eat Chips, Eat Salad Sandwiches And Remain Young. Even though I've known how to spell it for ever now, its turned into a sodding obsession.
Anonymous's picture
Oh, good one, Liana, now I'm obsessed (@!#$, that's another one!) too...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Liana, as I took you for a twenty-something, the efficacy of the diet can be relied on, even if the spelling is no better !
Anonymous's picture
aww you old flatterer. You did, didnt you? Amazing. Actually, I bought an anti wrinkle cream last week, and have been dutifully applying it. Seems to be working after a fashion, I still have wrinkles, but have begun to develop a rather hideous bout of acne, the like of which I havent seen since I was 16. They'll be asking me for I.D in Viccy Wines next. *hopeful*
Anonymous's picture
aww you old flatterer. You did, didnt you? Amazing. Actually, I bought an anti wrinkle cream last week, and have been dutifully applying it. Seems to be working after a fashion, I still have wrinkles, but have begun to develop a rather hideous bout of acne, the like of which I havent seen since I was 16. They'll be asking me for I.D in Viccy Wines next. *hopeful*
Anonymous's picture
I've forgotten how to use a PC too. Marvellous, this cream, I'm rapidly approaching toddler status.
Anonymous's picture
Well, you know what they say, Liana. You come in bald, toothless and incontinent and you go out the same way...
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
saying his goodbyes..... :-)
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