Your chance to brag!
I'm looking at putting together a section on the site about ABCtalers successes. Can you let me know if any of the following apply to you:
a) Have you been published? If so, is it a book entirely of your work or an anthology, where is the book available to buy and how did you get it published?
I'll happily add a hyperlink through so that people can buy your book (NB: This question applies only to being published by a third party where you didn't pay for it - ie, not POD or Vanity Publishing)
b) Have you produced a book yourself? ? If so, where is the book available to buy and how much did it cost you?
I'll happily add a hyperlink through so that people can buy your book (NB: This question applies to POD or Vanity Publishing)
c) Have you won any writing prizes?
d) Have you had any articles published (paid)?
e) Have you had any articles published (unpaid)?
f) Have you got any other relevant claims to fame?