Your chance to brag!

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Your chance to brag!


I'm looking at putting together a section on the site about ABCtalers successes. Can you let me know if any of the following apply to you:

a) Have you been published? If so, is it a book entirely of your work or an anthology, where is the book available to buy and how did you get it published?
I'll happily add a hyperlink through so that people can buy your book (NB: This question applies only to being published by a third party where you didn't pay for it - ie, not POD or Vanity Publishing)

b) Have you produced a book yourself? ? If so, where is the book available to buy and how much did it cost you?
I'll happily add a hyperlink through so that people can buy your book (NB: This question applies to POD or Vanity Publishing)

c) Have you won any writing prizes?

d) Have you had any articles published (paid)?

e) Have you had any articles published (unpaid)?

f) Have you got any other relevant claims to fame?



Anonymous's picture
My father once bought Oswald Moseley a pint (the old bastard was a socialist at the time... was Oswald).
Anonymous's picture
Sorry Em, Wrong bloody thread... Do I have to repeat it on the correct one?
Anonymous's picture
Yep And you did, too...
Anonymous's picture
You watch every move I make, don't you, Liana?
Anonymous's picture
Now I've got your attention, Em, why are some names in red and others black on the forums? Don't bother answering that. Just tried with Liana's Andrea post... could have emailed her if I was daft enough to give her more ammunition.
Anonymous's picture
'Cos they don't add their email addy's, silly boy. Get bak to yer nitting...
Anonymous's picture
what you on about Fecky?? Am I Andrea? Andrea? Am I you?
Anonymous's picture
Of course we are, Liandrea
Anonymous's picture
Gawd Andrea, don't you start Bad enough with Stormy.....
Anonymous's picture
Sorry! Hard to resist though.
Anonymous's picture
don't you ever hover your cursor over the names in red then fecky? it's a whole secret society you know!
Anonymous's picture
did you know that I have a hairy top lip developing fecky?
Anonymous's picture
Storms, you are a dead man :o)
Anonymous's picture
I saw your remark about stumpy metal in that other thread you know! and stop pretending to be me.
Anonymous's picture
I have been away too long.......haven't the slightest idea what you lot are on about ...or is it just what you lot are on.
Anonymous's picture
we've been sniffing old socks gabrielle.
Anonymous's picture
Gabrielle!! I was just thinking about you today!! Nice too see you have you been? Ignore Stumpy Metal, he's in a huff.....
Anonymous's picture
Thank-you Liana - ithats made me feel really good. I've not been away or anything - not since August - but I just got out of the habit of coming on to the site - and I've been really busy at work etc ....pleased to see that you are all here ...will try to post some new work shortly. Anything/Anyone new I should look out for?
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Wtate, Jozef Imrich, Barenib, Funky Seagull, ja simpson. God, there are loads. The reason for the above thread is that we have today discovered that Liana and Seventies Guru Stormy share a record collection, and thus speculation exists that Liana also shares Stormy's moustache. And Mark isn't dishing out the cherries anymore. Talking of long-term absentees - Mandylifeboats anyone ???
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
I once had a load of books published under the psuedenoms Wilbur Smith and John Le Carre. They sold quite well actually. (Did I spell psuedenom right?)
Anonymous's picture
'Fraid not, Karl. MLB is sojourning in Italy as we type... (did I spell 'sojourning' right?)
Anonymous's picture
I wrote and article for Tornado-Insider which they published in July/August 1999. I was living in Poland at the time, and the article was an overview of the Internet in Poland. Unfortunately, although the article is listed on their web site, the content of the article is unavailable online. Ah, yes, they paid me for it as well. They wanted more, but I was moving to London. I probably should have stayed in Poland, but that's another story. I contacted them again recently, but like so many high tech things, they have no money right now.
Anonymous's picture
None of you lot that (kinda) know me are going to believe this, but I actually translated a book of poetry and short stories that was published in Poland in '93. I spent years translating articles, brochures etc, but I tell you, that was the hardest thing I ever had to translate. The fact that I couldn't speak Polish (apart from piwo) didn't help much, either...
Anonymous's picture
Is Piwo, Beer, Andrea?
Anonymous's picture
This is awful, Em! Can't we answer through private email? Claims to fame, eh? Do they have to pertain to writing...?
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
No probs - just mail me at the usual address. It's mostly going to be about writing achievements, but I may reconsider if you've got anything particularly juicy!
Anonymous's picture
Did you translate Polish into English or English into Polish?
Anonymous's picture
Liana, you know me so well...! Polish into English, Thyme, for my sins.
Anonymous's picture
Nah, its just that its Pivo in Czech.... We are well versed in the necessary, eh, Andrea? :o)
Anonymous's picture
In Polish, a condom is called a "preservative." conversely, the small print on most bottles of mineral water contain descriptions of the "prophylactic (sp?)" effective of drinking the water. As one might imagine, this gives rise to a lot of joking among expats, mostly along the lines of "Well, now that's I've drunk my litre of mineral water, I guess I can't get pregnant tonight hahahaha." On the other hand, use of the word "preservative" gives rise to a whole other series of images.....
Anonymous's picture
Wel, I coulda got me speling rong, Leearna... Gin dobry
Anonymous's picture
Emily Is this just fiction or does non-fiction count?
Anonymous's picture
She did also say articles, Marina.
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