The Woman in Black

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The Woman in Black

If anyone fancies scaring the bejesus out of themeselves tonight and has a spare few hours the fantastic 1989 production of The Woman in Black is available to watch in full on the link below. I haven't seen the recent film but this is an absolute classic, and one scene still scares me 22 years after I watched it. There's also a number of the classic M R James BBC productions from the sixties and seventies available as well which are shorter. Lost Hearts and Whistle and I'll Come To You are highly recommended.Happy Halloween.

Cheers Fb. 'Whistle and I'll come to you' remains a firm favourite:-)


Brilliant! I really enjoyed the recent film, and apparently the play is wonderfully terrifying. I shall get right on this!
Didn't know there was an earlier one. The one with the Harry Potter chappie bored the arse off me, I turned it off after about 30 mins (and struggled to stay awake that long). Mind you, horror is not really my thing... I'll give that one a go, though - Bernard Hepton is very good...ta FB
Hi FB, Will definitely get around to watching. Thanks for the thread. Jenny.


I was surprised to find them in full on Youtube - I was under the impression that Youtube don't allow anything more than 9 mins or so. I have to say Lena, Whistle and I'll Come To You is probably my favourite of the M R James adaptations - Horden is brilliant. The recent BBC M R James ghost stories have lacked something, although for me, anything Jamesian is still a wonderful treat, especially around Christmas time. I've been reluctant to see the new Woman in Black because I have such fond memories of the book, the 1989 version and the stage show (which I loved steve). I do know they changed the setting from suffolk to Yorkshire? which is a bit like changing the setting of Wuthering Heights - because in The Woman in Black the landscape is so much a key part of the horror. I agree about Bernard Hepton Andrea - strangely, the chap who plays Harry Potter's dad in the films is also the protagonist in the 89 version - or he certainly looks like him anyway. Whatever you do Jenny have a cushion handy to hide behind.