I have 25 stories published in
2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 177974 times
and 37 of my stories have been cherry picked. 41 of my 1,990 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 44 votes
41 of my comments have received 44 Great Feedback votes
2 Votes
You're like that basketball
Posted on Wed, 13 Nov 2019
You're like that basketball player called Carl Malone whose nickname was "The Mailman" because he always delivered. - I can't remember reading something of yours I didn't enjoy.
This is well deserving of cherries Rhiannon and today they are gold in colour. I've read this a few times now and can appreciate how difficult the form must have been to use and make the poem work as well as you have. Congratulations, this is our...
Very glad you got distracted with that book - we had no car growing up so everything was on the buses, and we could travel miles for not very much, so we often did. A fantastic piece of writing and a great pick.
I'm still waiting on my sovrunty, I think it must have got lost in the post. Or maybe it's like PPI and you have to claim it back through those companies that charge 10%.
Not the raging sea or a turbid heart... One of the best opening lines I have read in a while. The poem that follows is wonderful. Congratulations, this our Facebook/Twitter pick for today. If you enjoyed Yutka's beautiful poem, please give it a...
You're like that basketball
Posted on Wed, 13 Nov 2019
You're like that basketball player called Carl Malone whose nickname was "The Mailman" because he always delivered. - I can't remember reading something of yours I didn't enjoy.
Read full commentPosted in A river slipping by
This is well deserving of
Posted on Mon, 19 Nov 2018
This is well deserving of cherries Rhiannon and today they are gold in colour. I've read this a few times now and can appreciate how difficult the form must have been to use and make the poem work as well as you have. Congratulations, this is our...
Read full commentPosted in Cywydd [Cuh-with] Form, Wintery
This incredible poem is our
Posted on Mon, 23 Oct 2017
This incredible poem is our Twitter/Facebook pick of the day. It could not be more relevant, please like and share so others can read it.
Posted in sometimes
Time well spent, it's that
Posted on Thu, 12 Mar 2020
Time well spent, it's that good.
Read full commentPosted in Sven Goes to War. Part 1. Warriors of the Wasteland
Very glad you got distracted
Posted on Wed, 26 Feb 2020
Very glad you got distracted with that book - we had no car growing up so everything was on the buses, and we could travel miles for not very much, so we often did. A fantastic piece of writing and a great pick.
Read full commentPosted in Buses
Congratulations to Ewan for
Posted on Fri, 31 Jan 2020
Congratulations to Ewan for today's (slightly late) pick. If you liked his poem, maybe give it a like and share on the Facebook and the Twitter.
Read full commentPosted in A Hymn for Silent Bells
I'm still waiting on my
Posted on Fri, 31 Jan 2020
I'm still waiting on my sovrunty, I think it must have got lost in the post. Or maybe it's like PPI and you have to claim it back through those companies that charge 10%.
Read full commentPosted in A Hymn for Silent Bells
Ah, lovely, lovely lovely, a
Posted on Thu, 30 Jan 2020
Ah, lovely, lovely lovely, a pleasure to read.
Read full commentPosted in Grey-Day rambling
Not the raging sea of a
Posted on Wed, 15 Jan 2020
Not the raging sea or a turbid heart... One of the best opening lines I have read in a while. The poem that follows is wonderful. Congratulations, this our Facebook/Twitter pick for today. If you enjoyed Yutka's beautiful poem, please give it a...
Read full commentPosted in Song of the Water Spirit
We are not street corner
Posted on Wed, 15 Jan 2020
We are not street corner scarecrows to frit the unwary...brilliant line, brilliant poem.
Read full commentPosted in The Low Men