The Dustbin Men

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The Dustbin Men

Has anyone else noticed how weedy the dustbin men are gettin these days?

When I was a kid, the dustman always wore a leather jerkin and would sling the bin onto his shoulder, carry it out to the truck, tip it all in and bring the bin back, slamming the lid down as he did so to make sure we were all awake. It completely fucked him when we got a rubber lid, but he could still swing the bin onto his shoulders with ease.

Nowadays, you get these girl's blouses who can't even lift a bin liner you've carried all the way from your back garden, along the little alley at the back of the house, around the front of the house and up the garden path. They just leave it on the lawn because it's too heavy to take.

Tossers! Now I'm going to have to take it to the dump on Saturday? What am I paying my taxes for? That's what I'd like to know. Wasn't like it in my day, I can tell you.

Anonymous's picture
karl ... we have wheelie bins ... no hefting required ...
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Karl......are you a caricuture ?
Anonymous's picture
'Ere, why wasn't Karl's rude word picked up and eliminated? It's not fair!
Anonymous's picture
It's sexism, that's what it is...
Anonymous's picture
ps. All our dustbinmen are women.
Anonymous's picture
I tried hiding garden cuttings in with the domestic rubbish... ... Bastards only ripped the black bag open to inspect. Then scattered contents all over the road. Can remember my mother once handing a dustman her yard broom when he came knocking for his Christmas box.
Anonymous's picture
This is a truly fascinating discussion. The merits (or otherwise) of refuse collectors (or whatever the PC phrase is these days). Here, in The Land of the Free, you bung yer garden muck out with the other stuff and a special truck (complete with crew) comes to pick it up and cart it off to be composted. Euthenasia is legal, too...
Anonymous's picture
Me and my partner are so hated by the rest of our crappy viallge. Instead of visiting the "local" bottle bank, which is miles away, we simply hide many Bud bottles into empty cornflake boxes and carrier bags among our usual rubbish.(hangs head in shame) I know that on occasion, the odd bottle has drifted from its cardboard box compound and found its way, rather noisily onto bin bag holding... They never complain though, and macho or not, I love our dustmen/women.
Anonymous's picture
I must stress that I have, on numerous occasions offered to take our bottles to the bottle bank, but Lindsey has always said "she" will do it. I hope she does see this message and realise that I also see these postings.
Anonymous's picture
Blimey, Linsi! You're in trouble now, girl...
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