What Would You Trade Your Bloke In For?
Fri, 2001-10-19 00:19
What Would You Trade Your Bloke In For?
am utterly agog about a comment made by missi on another thread ... the tape thread ... he says he was "traded in" ...
what for? ... the mind boggles ... a dishwasher? ... a swanky 6 slice chrome toaster? ....
anyway it got me thinking ... what WOULD you trade your bloke in for? ... (and just to observe Equal Opportunities) ... or your bird? ...
not sure about being traded in, but i was bought off with a second hand microwave...
I don't have a bloke at the moment, so I would happily trade him in for a chocolate bar.
I went to such an eponymous party many years ago.
I had clearly mis-understood the premise.
My stanley gibbons album of exotic oriental stamps remained unlicked.
I would happily trade in my chap to go with my best friends who are going to live in Cananda next year.
Actually, the mood he's been in lately, i'd bloody well trade him in for a packet of crips. Any flavour!
(only joking Daz...oops)
linsi! ... we have established that darren READS these threads!
My boyfriend lives near London and works most weekends. So i don't get to see him that often. I'swap him for one that lived nearer, maybe...or a tumble dryer.
What was I 'traded in' for?
A 64yr old, bald, fat, womanising slob with a big bank balance and an equally big dick I shouldn't wonder!
Oooh, Missy, you sound positively bitter!
Er...what bloke, Fish?
Um...can I trade in the sprog? Only 12 on the clock and in good running order...
Bit heavy on the fuel, though.
can make a package with my three sprogs too andrea.......
what shall we ask for?