Sat, 2001-10-20 22:55
I've noticed that there seems to be a huge problem with a hacker of some sort lying beneath or in perhaps the source code of this site. I replied to two messages and it came back as having come from this whoctheplanet ISP.
What's going on Ed's. It's confusing to say the least!! Anyway I'm posting this to see if it happens again.
You just have to Klingon mr justice sir and pray that your inevitable denouement will come later when, perhaps after a few stingers, you don't give a rats arse about exposure.
I know the feeling only too well. I once entered a fake email address but forgot to change my name! boy was I redfaced.
that was in my pre-warp factor 5 hacking days though scotty.
nowadays I'm a full sized mars bar; spamming my milky way through the darkness that is choccywhoccy bournville plain hackertown.
don't worry, I will beam us up before we are undone JLA.
do you have any white supremacists in your movements?
I hear the milkybar kid does.
I've never had anything white in my movements, not even milky bars. Say, have you noticed how beer goes in looking like piss but comes out looking like water?
tsk tsk tusk.
an interesting experiment I continue to carry out with enthusiasm JLA. my original theory that I would eventually turn yellow with retained hue has thus far proved unfounded.
but then some times the hue..... he escapes ..... in one foul rush ..... always more than went in. perhaps that is why I remain swarthy skinned in my hacker disguise.
classic acetate.
Test reveals my theory. Even though I posted my e-mail address it came back as that worm thing. I can feel a close down coming on.
I was reading the other week where a website was hacked by an idiot who wanted revenge for comments within the forum against him. Will try and find the article to see if it's relevant.
In the meantime, I've noticed that if you post your e-mail address, you can see who the message is really from. This way even if it says whoctheplanet etc you can determine who has written it. Then ignore the complete and utter childishness of the hacker.
What do you think?
ok it's me
i admit it
i'll stop now
i have the personal information i wanted from you all
doesn't anyone have porn stored on their pc's on this site
i'm off to hack
they have loads of it
ignore the above tomfoolery. mick and stevie are has beens whereas I never really got there. but, I ask you, can they play the clarinet? of course not. they haven't the cheek for it for a start. all puff and no wind.
Buona Sera.
Hacker Bilk.
Just testing AJ's theory.
Due to our woeful inaction during recent events, we, the undersigned, hereby resign our positions as Super Heroes.
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
The Martian Manhunter
We nominate in our place the NYPD and the FDNY.
But where was Superman?
Hey I was on your trail yesterday, with and Shame though I lodged that complaint. Maybe if you all hadn't been so busy at Cheltenham you could have picked this up earlier.
Shame on you Mr Handlebar!!
AJ :
Me too!
I don't think so. you only found 'the trail' after jim hacker provided a helpful cluedo style suspect weapon.
someone else said it was part of energis and was all to do with system upgrades when this whoc thing all started. but you didn't listen.
anyway, I think John Handelaar and his mate Simon deserve a huge pat on the back for building such a brilliant site. if you understood a fraction of the work involved you would do so too.
no shame on you John.
rather, EXCELLENT WORK! well done mate
Yours silly schoolboy threats do not bother me, nor any of the other abctalers. I suggest you pack up your crayons and colouring books and GET A LIFE, preferably on another planet.
AJ :>x
PS this is the e-mail message that I have sent to jim hacker
Superman has refused to save anybody since he fell out with Batgirl. No one told him she was two timing him with The Invisible Man. He got quite a shock I can tell you!
Me? I was just hacking around St. Andrews. Far less stressful than saving the world. My hole in one was delightful.
Superman's was not from all accounts.
Forget above it's a DUMMY address, have a message from the system administrator though, giving me the original senders id etc. I have now sent an e-mail to with a cc to:, who returned my e-mail.
After my dinner I shall put the message on the forum.
PS I hope everyone has a firewall on their pc's??
Here, here
So, Hacker, your fiendish plan has been thwarted!
As our good President may have said: 'The war against Terism noes know Frontiers - we'll fight them on the beaches, while they're eating peaches, we'll fight them in the cubbyholes, the coalbunkers and in the Forums. I would like to thank The General of Paskitsan for his help and assistance in this".
Take That, Hackman!!!
Good on yer, AJ!
Doesnt "The War Against Terrorism" have a great acronym?
The Western Area Tourers are most peeved it has been nicked, so I hear....
I'm not finished yet matey. I simply retrained and got an inside job with an airline.
I don't think much of this TWA tea.
next time I will ask fer coffee.
I once got in a LOT of trouble calling someone an acronym, Liana. (aka big pants)
It seems I can receive email into my abctales email account with no problem, but I can not use my abctales email account to reply to an email or to send a fresh one. When I click either "new" or "reply" the screen goes white and the system tries mightily to get to the next step but never quite makes it, so I give up.
Batgirl said she was just lying akimbo doing pelvic floor excercises.
'Okay', said superman.
Sucker! Invisible man was sunk to his see-through nuts.
superman is a loser anyway.
get a hairstyle you pants-on-the-outside w*nk*r
Hmmm, I wonder who wrote the last posting?
OK, folks, calm down.
A quick introduction: I'm John from Userfrenzy. I and another guy called Simon built for Tony and co. (which is the box whose name is being reflected right now, and since about 1900 on Friday) is the numeric internet address - also known as
For those of you who are more technically minded, as part of the switch to a new webmail system the server software has been changed and currently the 'old' server is being piped through from to the replacement server at
No, we didn't foresee this particular side-effect (because it shouldn't be happening). I'll be fixing it sometime this week... after telephoning Energis (formerly Planet Online) to tell them to disregard any unusual 'hacking' reports they've received over the weekend.
Justin - I'll have a look at your email issue before doing any of that if you mail me directly.
Any other queries to Emily or Tony, as usual...
drat foiled again
Cods Trollope ?
If that's you IFB it's very clever, especially in view of those big pants !
An Aircraft Hacker? It's life, Jim, but not as we know it. Can't you stay with ABC? Don't you just love those panicky moments when you post anonymously but think that your real e-mail address has been shown instead of your false one? I hear you've been working on that one, Jim.
A random defrocking programme that unmasks anonymous posts.
You never know when it will strike!