stories about dining tables

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stories about dining tables

I want ten very short stories about dining tables. the best will be performed at nottingham train station as part of the NOW festival in early nov. all contributions will be credited. (we've had publicity on r4 and, bizarrely, the news of the world).

andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Liana's done one called Kitchen Table. Very good, only the @$$%ing editors didn't cherry it. (Oh, hang on, I can't make that sort of complaint any more. ) It is very good. Nice line about stew in there. Andy, why are these themes never about the stuff I write about ?
Anonymous's picture
Oooh No Andrew, that ones crappy....I never finished it.... I'll go back and do some work on it though.....
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
That's why I didn't cherry it, because I knew you were going to polish it up (no pun intended). Work poet-girl, work. *Andrew attempts to break Fish's poet-strike and turn Liana into salutory example* Andy, this is a bit daft, but if you go into Story Search here at abctales, you can search against any word in the story - so you could look for stuff about Kitchens or Tables.
Anonymous's picture
*hands apple to Andrew*
Anonymous's picture
*walks by holding blank placard and saying nothing*
Anonymous's picture
*dons cravat and sets up podium*
Anonymous's picture
*walks by in other direction looking Very Stately*
Anonymous's picture
*glances nervously at Fish* short is short, Andy?
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
This one is about a coffee table rather than a dining table Andy, but it is bloody marvellous. "Nails" by Brothers_grimmer. Actually, thanks for posing the question, because I found this gem by looking. I've had a story in mind about a Sunday dinner for some time, maybe I'll finally get it down on paper (or screen)
Anonymous's picture
As I haven't had any response to my 24/10/01 I have loaded a possible story on my authors section as one of my Family Stories. Is this where you wanted the contributions?
Anonymous's picture
john i reckon the best thing you can do is email your piece to andy as i know he is very very busy at the min and probably not checking the boards very often ... cheers! ivory
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