I'm interested in poems about small birds

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I'm interested in poems about small birds

Hello there, I'm new to the site and I have been delighted by the sheer quality of the work on this site.
I'm a writer myself and I'm particuarly interested in poems about small birds.
I write about small birds and was published in `The Telegraph` with a poem about an Eagle. That isn't a small bird you might think but this Eagle was very small due to a birth defect. Here's a few lines..


You are so small. usually king of birds,
a bonzai in the nest,
your breast plumage shines like freshly mopped linoleum.
You would soar if you could,
through green suburban woods,
but you're just too small,
but I do love this smallness,
Usually, king of birds.

If you like that kind of thing my friend Dennis Littlejohn is producing a volume of my work called `More Small Birds`
it's my second book.
My first sold reasonably well, especially in Croyden where apparently a `Small Bird poems` fan club has been set up.
Anyway Please keep looking out for small bird poems,
regards, Phyllis.

Anonymous's picture
have decided to write seriously about small birds ... my first poem will be entitled "thrush" (thanks to robert for the suggestion of poem title "shag" ... of course robert knows nothing about birds and sizes)
Anonymous's picture
Thanks to fish for plugging me new book. It's called 'Birds I View'. Here's a few wee samples (hahaha). Surplice to Requirements Fluttering Nuns look like magpies if you squint your eyes. El Condor Pasta I'd rather be a Hammer Than a Manc Yes I would This bird tastes good With pasta and Vin Blanc. Sweet Bird of Youth Youth smells sweet As angel's feet. But when you're old You smell of mould.
Anonymous's picture
Hi Phyllis. yes I did write that poem just on the spare of the moment. I'm not all that tall, 5ft 7ish
andrea fudge
Anonymous's picture
flush this sh*t stain of a thread (worm) down the lav and let's talk turkey
Anonymous's picture
and ... eddie ... how TALL are you?
Anonymous's picture
gobble gobble gobble that should flush dave out in a hurry. ~waves at dave, how are you mate? and runs in a chase me manner from the thread~
Anonymous's picture
I'm taller than Muzzy but short of cash. My height isn't my most striking feature. Let's just say I have a well-rounded personality.
Anonymous's picture
i too am taller than muzzy ... therefore i do not qualify as A Small Bird ...
Anonymous's picture
Er, Fish, about your 'Thrush' poem. It WAS referring to our feathered friends, I hope? I'm slightly shorter than our Muzzy, so am still in the running. Age could, however, be an impediment. Shall I write a ditty about old birds? Is that a resounding 'YES!' I hear? I'll hop to it, then...
Anonymous's picture
Rumour has it that Liana's a small bird...
Phyllis White
Anonymous's picture
I've never heard of a `Liana` is that a type of Chaffinch? Hello Andrea, are you a writer too? This is a few short lines about a chafinch that I wrote last spring. I do hope you like it... `Chafinch, a small bird` Oh little, little bird, how small you are, you tiny feathered thing, I love your smallness, you little bird, spread the word, go fly, Phyllis loves small birds, why? Because she does! I hope you like that dear Andrea.
Anonymous's picture
Oh Phyllis, that's exquisite! I have a reputation on the site as being an excellent connoisseur of poetry, so you may feel suitably flattered...
Anonymous's picture
I'm 5ft 5" and flap a lot when stressed. i'd be sooo trilled if u'd write about us chirpy little bards, oops birds. tweetie.
robert's friend
Anonymous's picture
robert has an interest in small birds ...
robert's other ...
Anonymous's picture
Robert has an interest in birds fullstop.
Anonymous's picture
Have you written any poems about seagulls?
Anonymous's picture
She said SMALL birds, Funk. You've probably set 'er off again now...
Anonymous's picture
Robert's a very naughty boy and should be detained indefinately at her majesty's pleasure...
Phyllis White
Anonymous's picture
I am so excited by the varied and kind responses, Andrea you have touched my heart with your encouragement! And I also detect a certain amount of humour, you are all such a hoot! Birds hoot don't they. That reminds me of a poem I wrote! It's called ` A small Bird, in a garden`. It's about a small bird in a garden. Oh small bird, in a garden. How small you are, you are so little! I love you're smallness. Don't grow, stay small like me, small bird in the garden. For Andrea!
Anonymous's picture
Such a clever little bird under the feasting table picking and pecking at, the noisy starlins winged cast-offs Such a clever little bird taking the best of the feast in a shower of crumbs and the starlins un-knowing good will.
Phyllis White
Anonymous's picture
Oh Muzzy! what a delightful poem! Did you write that yourself. If you don't mind I only have one small criticism, perhaps a mention of the small stature of the bird needs to be emphasised, but I will say, you are a true talent, are you very tall? `Small bird at a Croyden bus-stop` Oh small bird at a Croyden bus-stop, you are quite tiny, small and even smaller than the small bird, I saw, Yesterday. You are a tiny little bird, I love you're smallness. Croyden should be renamed, town of small birds.
Anonymous's picture
i say phyllis, what a well-chosen topic. your poem A small Bird, in a garden is so good that i've printed it off and mounted it in a very small frame. i hope you don't mind. much of my writing too has been motivated by small birds, and i am always on the look out for new inspiration. perhaps we should get together for a nice cup of tea and we could chat all afternoon about the little cuties...
Phyllis White
Anonymous's picture
Oh Robert you've made a young lady blush, I'm so glad my poetry is being appreciated! When I look through the bars of my window and watch those delightful birds I know that there is a better place than Croyden. I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to have tea with anyone at the moment, something about medication and open places but thank you so much for your kind offer! This next poem which I wrote last year, is dedicated to you, gallant Robert... `A small bird sitting under my window` You tiny little bird, sitting on my window, you really are the smallest bird I've seen today, I think you are a very small bird, so, now I will sing my small song to you, with a lovely refrain, sing after me, `tiny, tiny, tiny little bird` There you sit, gloriously small, little and tiny. God bless your stature, smallest of birds!
Anonymous's picture
my first girlfriend was five foot nothing. Does that count. seriously I write about birds a lot. In my abc's under 'stevo' you will find 'Sam and the Sparrow', 'The Green Finch' and others. Stick your beak in and e me if you like. peck peck stevo
Phyllis White
Anonymous's picture
Dear `stevo`, another curious name, I'm so sorry that your girlfriend of such a delightful stature is no longer your girlfriend, I'm afraid that made me weep. I'm glad you write about birds, personally I like small birds, or birds of a small stature. This one Stevo I dedicate to you. I was inspired to write this when I observed a small bird eating a worm. `Small bird eating a worm` Oh dear, small bird eating a worm, is it tasty? My, How small you are, quite tiny. Are you happy being small, small bird eating a worm. Be blessed, Oh worm eating bird of small stature.
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
was the worm eating the bird ? ...was it like those huge worms in "temors"......
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
I think you mean `Tremors` Martin. Hallo Phyllis, are you interested in any other creatures of small stature? I have an ant who rides a bycycle.
ann of cleeves
Anonymous's picture
this is all very boring and far too clever
fact check police
Anonymous's picture
I think the delightful young man got over excited talking about large worms eating birds of small stature.....he should have said "tremours" or ""critters" or something like that....it was a film about big worms, or something.... ohhhh I resign....I can't even check facts about bird eating worms......
Phyllis White
Anonymous's picture
No! Only small birds thankyou, about the big worms, there is nothing `Big` in my poetry. It is tasteful, small and only refined. I'm sorry if that sounded pompous but I detected in Mr Yelland-Brown's posting a hint of derision. Being of a small stature, and sensetive I'm afraid I rather took umbrage. I dedicate this next poem to those who have upset me in the past. `Dead Bird` You were just too big for this life.....
Anonymous's picture
i have never written about birds ...
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Dear Phyllis I am horrified to think that I was being derisive. Your poetry is astounding. It's sheer vituosity and attention to detail. I am looking at small birds in a completely different way now. Here is my effort, dedicated to you Phyllis. ` A poem about a small bird` This is a poem about a small bird, who was only small, he didn't grow, but stayed little, that's a good thing!
Anonymous's picture
... but i have eaten a few ...
Phyllis White
Anonymous's picture
Dear Mr Yelland-Brown you are quite forgiven. Your poem was a valiant attempt although slightly derivative. Person called `Fish`, perhaps you could start to write about birds. Try writing about birds of a small stature it can be life changing. By the way is that your real name?
Anonymous's picture
ok phyllis ... i am always up for the poetry gauntlet ... i will post my Small Bird Poem in a min ...
Anonymous's picture
Oooh, and I thought it was a delightful young LADY! Right, brace yourselves! I'm gonna write a poem... My first and last. A little birdie on the grass Hopping nice an' fat Sang sweetly 'Blimey, life's a farce' And ended up in cat. I do hope you like it, Phyllis - I wrote it for you. *see, told you lot I could write poetry*
Frank Cleaver
Anonymous's picture
Is this bird for real? Her stuff should be banned it's bleeding awful!! Or she should be stuffed, Mad old bird!
Anonymous's picture
Small Bird Poem there on the windowsill pretty as a picture the very thing i like to see like in a nursery rhyme small beaks all pointing skyward in a perfect circle Small Bird Pie mmmmm ... i am starved ...
Anonymous's picture
Hey watch it shorty ;-)
Anonymous's picture
Sorry, amendment to last line... *wipes sweat off fevered fanny* Should have been: '....'fore ending up in cat' Sooo sorry, Phyllis.
Anonymous's picture
Oh Fish, I am (literally) stunned by your masterpiece...
Phyllis White
Anonymous's picture
Mr Cleaver, I'n not old I'm only 51. I'm told I look about 49. I'm sorry you don't appreciate my writing, I imagine you're over 6ft. Dear `Fish` please do. Andrea, my dear, what a tragic poem, is it true, I hope the poor dear didn't suffer. What a day, a day for writing and talking to new friends, I think. This poem was written after a bleak winter. It's called,... `Small bird in bleak winter` Oh poor small bird in bleak winter, your tiny stature is shaking in its smallness, in the cold, cold, air Frosty sky, tiny, tiny bird. Too small for bleak winter, but, I love your smallness, small bird in bleak winter.
Anonymous's picture
WHY I CAN'T WRITE A POEM ABOUT SMALL BIRDS Birds- too small for words. Phyl, are you a Mocking Bird?
Anonymous's picture
Bags an' wrinkles, short an' tweet But only slightly past it. If I were younger, what a treat! Muzzy could not have lasted! (just a teeny touch of poetic licence there. But worth it, wouldn't you agree?) There! *fluffs up feathers*
Phyllis White
Anonymous's picture
I am so sorry to have wasted your time today. I am truly dense, I imagined I was amongst friends, I have been deceived. Small birds are not to be insulted, abused, sarcasm is a horrid thing, I feel withered now. It was that `Fish` person, I understand that name now, a byword for cruelty. Here is a poem about a fish, I've just written it, this is my last posting, my nurse is here with my medication. `Fish` How you hurt me fish. Is that clever...ish. I don't think so, I bleed, you laugh, I bleed and another small bird DIES!
Anonymous's picture
Thank you, Phyllis - yep, every word is true. I'm on a roll, now... Pidgeon pie is very tasty 'specially with peas Don't, however, be too hasty They're covered in them fleas. Blimey! Yeats eat yer heart out!
Anonymous's picture
this thread is getting me down! small brown bird charmlees as Douglas Hurd, exactly the size and colour of a turd there's my contibution. May it clog your u-bend
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Oh dear Fish! You've done it now. Was she for real? Anyway here is a poem for Phyllis. `Poem for Phyllis` Oh phyllis, you are probably small, under 5ft tall, likes birds, small. Were you real, or not at all, if you are, golly, how strange and scary. Don't hate Fish, she's alright. (though she might be tall, I've never met her)
Anonymous's picture
What's wrong with BIG birds?! Surely it's discriminating against herons and pelicans to just talk about little ones all the time... disgraceful! Quite frankly I expected better from you lot. So let me redress the balance. Great big chicken in my oven Innards thrown away I eat drumsticks by the dozen Every single day Great big chickens dead as spam As far as eyes can see From John O groats to Hoover Dam It's dinner time for me!
Anonymous's picture
fish aren't tall ... they are long


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