A Rose is a Rose

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A Rose is a Rose

Ok, sorry if this one's been done before...

You know how difficult it is (at least it is for me) to find names that suit your characters?

Well, I thought it might be interesting to find out what different names mean to different people. How do you visualise a Tom? What does a Dick say (don't answer that without much careful thought - and remember Poobum)? What characteristics does Harry posess? Is there life after Peggy? (sorry, got a bit carried away, there...)

I'll start:

Emily (sorry, our Em) - a shy (but inwardly smouldering) , curly-haired, waif-like creature, dressed in virginal crinoline and a pale-blue satin sash. Has an overbearing Mama who has an attack of the vapours at the mere mention of the male monster (Ma and Emily both). Might ocassionally indulge in the odd glass of sherry at a soiree.

Doris - a staid, staunch, steadfast, sturdy lady, given to wearing twin-sets, digging the sod and producing miracles from left-overs. Probably born in Hackney or thereabouts. Has a fondness for knitting and 'running up' amazing outfits (especially for the grandchildren) from scraps. Makes a wonderful roast. Drop 'o' port at Christmas will do her fine.

Ron - bit of a shady character this, and not averse to the odd swindle or two. Often sports a check jacket. Spends a lot of time in the bookies backing losers. Usually a second hand car dealer or the like. Fond of his pint. Uses brylcream and has a weakness for pie 'n' mash. Not averse to a good booze up with the lads (or lasses).

Anyone else?

Martin T
Anonymous's picture
*Hangs head in shame....and curses fish for long memory..... ....son of Alice and Antony..... brother of Loretta, Mary and Michael.....and uncle of Tom and Chloe..... ...heads off for Fish's Solicitors....to bribe and elicit her sordid history......hopes Liana wants to spill beans....
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
.....is having awful time.....IS HAVING ,,,,
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
.....Is having awful time.....and is all fingers and thumbs....
Urinal Heep
Anonymous's picture
Did any of you hear our 'Return to Fantasy' album? It went gold you know.
Anonymous's picture
Er....I'm a bit curious about the nature of this 'male monster' our Emily and her mater have just cayght sight of Andrea, are we talking 'one-eyed trouser snake' here?
Anonymous's picture
Someone (l think Gabrielle) posted a thread had to guess what abc'ers are like in real life...All those who know each other IRL arent allowed to answer.... who is going first? :o)
Anonymous's picture
Missus, you're a suspicious bastard, ain't ya? The 'male monster' is the one wot promised Emily his hand in matrimony (or was it the other way around?) and then reneged on the deal (The cad! The bounder!) and had to be sued for 'breach of promise'. One-eyed trouser snake? Peter Cook? Never! Such tender young things, so sensitive and subject to the vapours! So impressionable! So easily led astray! Swoon...smelling salts! Ma, besides, was always taught to 'lie back, do her duty and think of England', however unpalatable that duty might be... It really is me, Hippie, in case you were in any doubt. Er...it WAS PC, wasn't it?
Anonymous's picture
Not suspicious my dear, just a little innocent and curious!
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
...has cheered up....but believes Stormy is still around to taunt.......
Anonymous's picture
My mum....Sue....My dad....Trevor....regarded themselves as "hip, happening" (and yes, they would use those terms! although I think my dad pretended he had a different name) Are 70's parents. Being only 19 when they had me (best day of their lives) I was called Lindsey!!! it's the male way of spelling that as well!!! I am told that I was named after Lynsey D' Paul (please correct spelling) which is all fine and good (I think) but why, the hell did they not call me after the full title? Instead of a bloody blokes name? Anyway, going back to the thread, I always seem to think of Andrew(which is very good....Andrew Pack! grovel) Sam?I have never met anyone called that, or the original, David, James, Sally, Michelle...etc) these are fine names, but why can I never think of any others? I think my next poem, story should include at least a Tobias, Constance, or Tarquin....I have just thought of the name Poppy...yes Poppy shall appear in my next tale... ...goes off talking to herself once again...
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
A friend of mine was talking to a friend of hers with regard to the death of his pet Chameleon named Homer. "Oh, after the Illiad" said she to which he replied with puzzled expression "No, the Simpsons".....
Anonymous's picture
Ben, Tom, Sam, Jake etc etc - all nirvana fans, born in the late 70's early 80's Val, Shirley, Brenda, Sylvia - born in the '40's, a little too late to be real swinging chicks like Carol, Sandy, Debra and Pauline, who go out with Gavin, Dave, Terry and Mike. They all have kids, born in the 60's called Jason, Martin, Tina and Dawn. As a result of all their liberal parenting, Jason Martin Tina and Dawn have kids with bizarre spellings to show how hip their parents are, such as Aimee, Chelsey, and Ayeisha. That is unless, they rebel against their parents, and go for names such as Ben, Tom, Sam and Jake. Liana Daughter of Shirley and Dave, mother of Olivia. :o) Im such a stereotype....
Anonymous's picture
*mother of jake (born 1986) who is not a nirvana fan and of dan (born 1988) who is and who has a cousin called dawn who has kids called things like vince ashley hayley and kirsty* hahhahahaaaa
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Course is going brilliant! This sounds peverse but I feel I've really found my carreer. My first placement is great, and the kids are smashing. No blood yet. Mississippi, Hi, have you been drenched in the blood of the Lamb yet? (Hows that for starters?)
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
*rubs hands in anticipation*
Anonymous's picture
Baby boomer: Father of Ruth & Sally (born in the seventies). Yes, I did have a say in their names...
Anonymous's picture
What a gang of boring cunts!go out catch a film,go to a concert,then go down the pub talk to a complete load of strangers and bore the @!#$ out of them,with a bit of luck they may kick your teeth in.
Anonymous's picture
catch a film....... hrmmm what a hip and happening dood you are.......
Anonymous's picture
Why do you say this is only a man's name? What about Lindsey Wagner, the Bionic Woman?
Stereo Typist
Anonymous's picture
Yes. Bet he's called Wayyyne and has "mam" tattooed on his forehead. (Theres enough room to tattoo anything on his forehead mind, it sticks out a mile and is hanging three inches over his eyes)
Anonymous's picture
Hey Mark, why should we provide free entertainment? Let's go 'pay as you view', there might be some loot in it for us! This 'blood of the lamb' stuff, are you working in an abbatoir? Or are you apprenticed to Dracula?
Anonymous's picture
*perks up from depths of despondency in which she has been languishing*
Anonymous's picture
Don't go languishing Andrea, get yourself a bag of peanuts, put your feet up and wait! Oh by the way, if you're staying it will cost you a couple of quid or whatever the clog equivalent is, let me see now, that's right 200guilders!
Anonymous's picture
I think the profanity police have missed a naughty word! Still it does have it's uses, it describes the person who used it perfectly!
Anonymous's picture
'ere 'ere!!
Anonymous's picture
...mother of sons Alexis (named after Alexis Corner, not the other one) and Jesse 'cos I thought he was going to be female (Jessica, see?). So much for women's intuition. I seem to remember having a Poppy in one of my stories, Linsi (can't remember which one, offhand) - a fine name. A bit flighty, though, Poppy's. But honest. Do hope Erice isn't watching, think I got me apo wrong.
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
I heard the expression "Drenched in the blood of the lamb" from Gore Vidal when he was talking about his Bible belt relatives, I thought it sounded beautifully over the top, It's a extreme expression describing being `born again`. I love it!
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
echo that Fecky.......what was the point of his posting ?
Anonymous's picture
200 guilders? That's precisely...um...let's see...54.79452055 quid at the current exchange rate. Thou jesteth, surely? *flounces off in search of a cheaper forum, clutching popcorn*
Anonymous's picture
No point at all, Martin - just a sad soul, is all...
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
A voice crying out in the wilderness, a heart rending scream into the void. A heart break of disasterous proportions needing catharsis, or just a bad case of piles, hurting from a hot curry the night before, I bet, probably. That's Mr Profanity's problem. Perhaps, maybe, if you like......
Anonymous's picture
Gory Vidal eh? That explains it. But not your love of it, personally being born the first time was a messy business I don't think I could possibly go through all that again, not even for a cherry! Sorry Andrea, I just can't seem to get the hang of this damned abacus. It's all just balls! In any case Mark seems to have mellowed of late, he just ain't fun anymore! What's happened to all the 'red rag to a bull' stuff?
Anonymous's picture
Hey Mark, where have you been hiding, I haven't had a really good heated discussion since you disappeared! You MUST have something to say that I can take issue with! Please!!!
Anonymous's picture
Er...how's the course going, MYB?
Anonymous's picture
Well, he's a mature student, now, ain't he? A sobering thought...
Anonymous's picture
I am the daughter of Hermoine, which is also my middle name. It should be Hermione of course, which has poetic and literary connections but unfortunately, my grandfather spelt it incorrrectly on the birth certificate. I have always hated it. My other half is called Pierre but he speaks not one word of french. It makes him sound like a camp hairdresser (he's definitely not). When I was a punk in bondage trousers, purple hair and red eyeliner, I would have liked a name like snot, smear or slash. Julia didn't quite cut the mustard...it's too romantic heroine, twee girl in jodphurs or housewife living in Berkshire (screams in sudden recognition that I have become my name.....hurriedly goes to wardrobe to see if bondage trousers are still available). Is it too late to catch a train to a rough part of London? I think I have become Julia. She has consumed me. Sigh.
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Blimey Mississippi, I'm sorry mate. It must be trying to keep decorum in front of all those kids, not being gobby , I just don't feel that controversial at the moment. Maybe it's something I ate. About names, I love Tarquin, as a funny name. If I had a rodent I might call him that, or Gloria, if she was female. The name `Terry` always reminds me of someone who likes Lager. George is a `Bitter` man, beer that is.
Anonymous's picture
we have a pet rat named gloria ... *hopes this news doesn't excite martin too much*
Anonymous's picture
gloria would be a great name for a pissant wouldn't it martin? *hopes the conjunction of two words will fool poobumthing*
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