Christmas Party

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Christmas Party

Now Christmas has arrived on the site, shouldn't ABC be making preparations for our Christmas on-line party..who would you invite?...what woudl like us to order for you to eat and drink? ..what music should be played and what games............will you get drunk?
I favour non traditional fare myself and plenty of live music..Mark Yelland Brown should be requested to sing...preferable lack of telly.. lmaybe some story telling lots and lots of little nibbles hmmm rather random ideas here

Anonymous's picture
I don't 'do' Christmas... Plan to hide in Italy for the duration...
spag man
Anonymous's picture
My license has been revoked? No one told me. *sobs*
Anonymous's picture
i expect the party will take place at Ta Chucks ... and i am NOT going into any cupboards with that whippet ...
Anonymous's picture
ROLE SWAPPING????????????
squiffy chick a...
Anonymous's picture
we don't want an online party .... we want to furtle with strangers in the ABC stationery cupboard ... IN REALITY
Anonymous's picture
I say we all go to the pub at Crimbo and get lashed!! (take that any way you wish!)
Anonymous's picture
I spy Bobs n' Fish
spag man
Anonymous's picture
Okay then, Fish. I'll swap my small white roll for your brown one. LOL Sorry guys. I actually only make jokes that I think are funny.
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
OK, I've been in meeting with the office planners all day and they've said they'll try to fit extra stationery cupboards (with revolving doors) to make the christmas party easier for everyone. That help sort things?
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
............would get very dizzy.........
Anonymous's picture
the question is ... is spag foxy? ... i will only swap things with foxy people ...
Anonymous's picture
Furtle? Oooh, what a lovely word. Anyone else got ones they made up (I presume you *did* make that one up)? 'Twas brillig and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wade... Oh no, sorry, that's already bin dun... Damn!
Anonymous's picture
Dear Ol' Whoc. What's he gorn and done now?
Anonymous's picture
It should be possible with some high tec link to arrange for virtual feelies, shouldn't it? webcam possibilities? virtual balloons and no arguements with relatives flashing lights MP3 files for backings Stephen Fry in the background reading Harry Potter? Someone stripping? someone being sick in the corner and a kind virtual auntie type looking after him oh cummon down hair let your
Anonymous's picture
How do you pull a thread? Am I able to say that I've suddenly realized that this is boring?
Anonymous's picture
dear kim threads are for life ... not just ... cheers! ivory x x x
Anonymous's picture
Can we have a photocopier too. Certain parts of the anatomy just HAVE to be photocopied at Christmas parties.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Kim, the accepted way to end a thread is to ask Spaghetti Si to say a few words. Anyway, these threads always go off at a tangent, just change the subject and ask a new question.
Anonymous's picture
'Ere, thought you were on strike, Fish...
fish's "fr...
Anonymous's picture
fish wrote that before she went on strike ...
Anonymous's picture
Dear Fisherman's Friend, Ah, right, sorry. Delighted to hear she's not a .... What the hell *do* you call them strikebreakers?
Anonymous's picture
Ms. Fishbone has issued a statement (by semaphore) ... she is still On Strike ... but would like to know ... which ABC taler would you like to Snog in the Cupboard at the Christmas Party ...????
Anonymous's picture
All of them according to you. *still not speaking to you*
Anonymous's picture
Not speaking to me madam?
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
OOOO OOOH, is anyone in this cupboard ?.......knocks hopefully...
Anonymous's picture
whell, I lub a pwarty, and I'd lub a gwapple in the stationawy cwupboard wib Emily Dwubberley!
Anonymous's picture
my client would like to point out that the cupboard is ALWAYS occupied by a Certain Poet who is well known in this site ... who answers to a name rhyming with Banana ...
Lianas Solicitor
Anonymous's picture
...would like to point out that Liana has instructed me to sue The Fishwife for defamation of character.....
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Is anyone coming to the door......I'm bursting here.......someone's in the only loo....
Anonymous's picture
i would like to retract my previous statement on behalf of my client Ivoryfishbone ... it appears i simply misread the semaphore ... hardly surprising as i was translating via the Brownie and Girl Guide Handbook (1972) ...
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
.....strewth....with all these writs flying have to be careful what you say.....
Fish's Next Doo...
Anonymous's picture
there is a lot of cackling coming from next door, i am thinking of phoning the Murky Harbour Council Noise Pollution Department ...
Liana's Solicitor
Anonymous's picture
*smug face* I have all this evidence in pink and white....where the FishWife has attempted to smear my clients good name.....
Reluctant Voyeur
Anonymous's picture
Harrumph... I am watching this cupboard at ALL TIMES. And you Martin, Matey. As for that Liana. Beyond Redemption.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Not defamation if it's true. Not commenting on the veracity of fish's potentially scurrilous claims, just making an observation. There may well have to be some character witnesses at this trial...
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
*walks by holding large placard saying: "So much for the editors impartiality"*
trainee scab
Anonymous's picture
also holds placard *abctales goes down pan in scurrilous rumours & hackers scandal*
Anonymous's picture
*whilst walking in step with fellow striker idly wonders which character witnesses might be called*
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
....feels torn between the obvious charms of both parties......but feels drawn to Liana....feels under her spell....must try and snap out of it......(skakes head furiously...feels drowsy......must reach the to get out of this cupboard....if I can only just............
Anonymous's picture
Can I cadge the airfare over, Em? KLM's offering a 25% reduction...
Anonymous's picture
Depends who you bring with you.....
Anonymous's picture
Gawd, Banana, you are a truly naughty girl...
spag man
Anonymous's picture
Sorry fish. I am not foxy in the slightest. I only come out during the day.
Anonymous's picture
Oh, right, yeah, scab. That was it! *brightens* pee'd in yer bloomers again, Martin?
Anonymous's picture
Mandy Lifeboats??? :o)
Anonymous's picture
MLB is, as I have previously mentioned, enjoying the sunnier climes of Italy as we speak. I, too, hope to be enjoying Italian climbs during the festive season... *she said loftily - and hopefully*
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Actually, in terms of man-eaters... *draws no further conclusions but points out that Fish who live in glass houses should perhaps not throw stones*
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Will see if I can get an air-fare sponsor Andrea. Re: photocopier, do ABCtales get to keep rights on any photocopies made? If so, the book could fund the site for a couple of years. If we're going for all the cliches, doesn't that mean we need warm Lambrusco too? Really don't think I can face that...
Anonymous's picture
thinking christmas party ought to have a theme such as Vicars and Tarts ... *looks at liana* ... or come as your favourite character from a book ... (anyone dressed as A Small Bird will be taken into the stationery cupboard and shot ...)


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