Christmas Party

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Anonymous's picture
Oh, can't I be a tarty vicar, Fish? Please? *crestfallen* Crest...birdplumes Fallen...bird wot's sunk into depravity = small, fallen-but-still-exotic bird. Geddit? No, I s'pose not.
Anonymous's picture
Ok, I'll be the tart and you be the vicar the best tradition of role swapping at Christmas parties :o)))))
Anonymous's picture
I , as Andrew Pack's it all in said, will end this thread now. I have now ended four threads since coming back to the site all of ten minutes ago. There should be a war on spaghetti_si for killing innocent threads :-) Why not have a christmas meet up for the abc tellers who live near you? Just an idea.
Anonymous's picture
*gleeful at vindication*
Anonymous's picture
Sorry Spag but you ain't killin' nuthin', your licence has been revoked and it ain't no use appealin' to Packers, he's busy offering legal advice elsewhere!
Anonymous's picture
*walks past wearing Sack Pack t shirt*


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