...........makes you feel great
Wed, 2001-10-24 00:08
...........makes you feel great
I'm feeling pretty good at the moment, listening to some good music....and it set me awandering, what makes you feel great....
a film, a novel, a poem, a kind word, a smile from your other half, seeing an old friend, pint of stella, class a drugs......
what fills your pencil ?
love, laughing with friends, comedy, music, writing, praline choc, fizzy wine, rain on my fac, sunshine, the se, travelling, visitng places i've never been to before, riding on back of motorbike. playing like a child with my neices. playing.
Martin, the usual booze, friends and I will not go into drugs...(too many secrets already let out on this site!!)
Its strange, when things are going well for me, I usually write a load of crap, yet when things are going quite bad(as they are now) I still write crap!!
Music always lifts me up though, and The Simpsons (I hear you groan) But when ever these two things are on, I somehow forget my woes....
What are you listening to at the moment then Martin?
I'm listening to Dave Clarke's new cd...
Llstening to melfish.....rather nice track.....connected to an abctaler in some way....
... melfish available for weddings ... barmitzvahs ... book her now before she is famous ...
She IS famous!
We love her.
...struggling to get through the paparazzi.....
The happiest moments in my life have always been sat on the steps of moving trains in Asian countries. In the early 70's I loved to watch the world go by as we travelled through India. In the 90's we went to Indonesia to visit my wife's brother with our three kids in tow. I always remember that moment when I sat on the steps of the train, the doors open, as we went from Jakarta to Jogjakarta, with our kids around me and my wife, just watching the fields, the people in their crazy hats, the bullocks and the jungle slide by. I was totally at peace. Happy to have my wonderful offspring and my life partner around me, I was aware that this was perfection. It wasn't going to last, there were troubles ahead but just at that moment in that place I was perfectly at peace and I knew it.
On bad days I just go back there.
The sprog's smile...
Corny, innit?
Driving....flying...sailing. Anything at all, which means I am not in a particular place, but instead, en route to one place and also leaving another.
Dave (Randall) and I were driving on a relatively longish journey at work today, and were discussing how the drive to Prague on the 29th Dec will be...(apart from knackering).
I get chills inside when I think of actually driving in, knowing that I am not going to be leaving anytime soon.
That makes me feel good.....
*thinking about wandering over to another thread to discuss what song I should be playing on the stereo when I actually arrive..this is V V V important to a music addicted pillock like me, who always connects songs with places and people for ever*
What makes me feel great is when I discover a cigarette in a box I thought was empty. Theres nothing like it in the world.
...or a fiver in an old jacket pocket.......
....another thing that cheers me up....drinking mead...it's very sweet but it's because it's such an ancient drink....brings out the viking in me..
And Pimms!! Full of apples, cucumber and ice, from huge jugs, in a magnificent garden on a hot hot hot summers day...
Coffee with a shot of Bundy for breakfast.
Mine is very similar to Tony Cook'd except for the location.
Driving to Big Sur from San Francisco for a few days camping with Jane my partner and my very good friends Paula, Marce and Harry. It is one of the most beautiful coastal drives in the world, road like a shoelace, Van Morrison on the stereo and Kerouac in my back pocket, mist rolling in.
The happiest.
I feel great when I do something which someone else thought I could not do, or does that make me feel angry? Erm, yep.
I feel great when I watch tacky cheese on tv, and when I do something which I thought I could not do.
Oh well.
Ralph, you groovy dude you. Hope you didn't squash that nice Mr. Kerouac. But surely 'The Dharma Bums' would have been more appropriate for your back pocket?
Mine is basic. A good story, a Bob Dylan album, watching a great film. Mine are just so typical.
You Guys!!!!!!
(and sex, lots of sex.)
jogging before dawn and a strict fruitarian diet