Shop Biz

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Shop Biz

Dear All

There is an olde shoppe in Hackney called Eddie Gibbons Ltd.

Are we being told the truth?


Eddie Ltd.
Anonymous's picture
Mmm... interesting. I have been known to get out of my pram on occasions, spitting my dummy out in the process. I once wrote a poem called 'Fully Furnished', and most people consider me an oddity. Being over fifty, I am definitely old fashioned in lots of ways. Good call, Ralph! Out of interest, I am also Ltd. I am a contract draughtsman, operating as a Limited Company: Cad Meridian. Cad by name, cad by nature. Sorry, Fish. Dat is de trooth.
hughie blackwall
Anonymous's picture
Dear Doctor, is there a shop for acne? my friend told me there would be a cure by excemas but it is limited. am I being told the tru..
Anonymous's picture
Dear Blackhead, I think it's called sandpaper...
Anonymous's picture
dear all this has nothing to do with dates ... but i felt like telling you that my monitor is knackered ... can't use p.c. so that will explain my general absence in the near future and my lack of response to emails ... anything urgent could possibly be routed through liana or robert... but then ... what on earth is ever urgent? yours in hardware hell fish x x x
Anonymous's picture
*dreads asking* what does it sell?
Anonymous's picture
Prams, furniture and oddities. It is an old fashioned department store.
Anonymous's picture
Well, the oddities but fits... Not too sure about the perambulators, though. You sure they weren't wheelchairs?
Anonymous's picture
Sorry, meant 'bit fits' Having a hard day - Marks is closing and I can't find any Wensleydale...
Anonymous's picture
*prepared to send Andrea Wensleydale in return for Vla*
Anonymous's picture
I'm sure we can arrange something, Liana - you want banana flavour? Might go off in the post, though...
Anonymous's picture
Perhaps we can barter on the cheese thread over on writing from abctales.... definitely not banana, have fond memories of vanilla flavour though....and some liqourice geld too.....*sighs*
Anonymous's picture
Well yes, that was a cross-ref to Sneaks cheesy thingy. Liqourice...yuk! Oh well, if you must. Ain't vla almost the same as cold custard, though?
Anonymous's picture
you blasphemer!! Its totally different..... and what you doing living there and saying YUK to liquorice? maybe Vla is different now, and its just not like it used to be...... cross referencing again, must learn to stop it. Vla seemed to be runnier.
Anonymous's picture
It's got thicker since... Bit like me...
Anonymous's picture
eddie gibbons isn't limited ... *wearing Eddie Gibbons Fanclub t-shirt as Sack Pack one is in the wash*
Anonymous's picture
Only two t-shirts, Fish? Whatever is the underworld coming to?
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