How typical of the media to get into such a frenzy over Brasseye. What they failed to see was that the programme cleverly held a mirror up to the way the media deals with issues like this, and they did not like what they saw. It has confused and embarrassed them and they are baying for Chris Morris' blood. Pretending that they care whether such "stars" as Phil Collins and Phillippa Forester were duped into appearing in the show is just a smoke screen. These people were duped, that much is true but they should have checked their facts before appearing on a show to read from idiot boards about things that they obviously had no clue about! The things they were asked to say were very obviously a hoax and more fool them if they could not see through to the truth! I have no sympathy for them at all. Over in the newspapers, we find those self righteous grotty little people at the Daily Star printing on the same page as they villified Mr. Morris, a comment and close up photograph of Charlotte Church (aged only 15) and how she is growing large breasts. Not long now, eh lads??? The media make me sick with their holier than thou attitudes. They like to show us all our bad points and make us gaze at our nasty twisted reflections, but when it's turned around to face them, they just can't take it. They are hypocritical scumbags and I will have no more to do with them. Game over.