I am in The Guardian today

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I am in The Guardian today

Just in case anybody's interested, my Playlist piece is published in The Guardian Family section today, about my memories of the Girl Guides.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2013/jan/26/sibling-solidarity-gu...(link is external)

Or you could go and buy the newspaper. I love newspapers...

Well done, Alibob! I have similar memories from cub scouts of the horror of performing on stage at one of the 'variety' shows (if you can call the droning, listless sound of young boys singing a variety show). "Riding Along on the Crest of a Wave" sung by 30 tone deaf 11 year olds - just imagine the parents' terror! Nice piece and congratulations. :)
Well done! I have my copy and shall read it after a long constitutional whilst it actually isn't either raining or snowing.
Fantastic! Well done!


A lovely written (and published) piece. It's odd really, to see something in print when one 'knows' the author. Well done.


You should be in every week and you will be at this rate! I hope you're (...not) entering the prose pentathlon because you're probably the best short shortist on the site, and it's a great thing to add to your growing literary CV. Well done, Alison. A true inspiration.


Fantastic, well done indeed. I'd happily read your memories weekly in the Grauniad. Apply for a regular column! Alibob's Absorbing Anecdotes...
That'd be 'triple A' status guaranteed!


Thank you for reading people. My store of anecdotes would be seriously depleted after a fortnight, if I had a column. Which is why I mainly write fiction! And yes, Richard, I have entered the prose pentathlon. Although my participation depends on my poorly computer not giving up the ghost! But you do say the nicest things!