When Did We Stop Making Love.........

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When Did We Stop Making Love.........

........ and start having sex?

The term 'we had sex' has crept into out culture, that's for sure but I can't put my finger (if you know what I mean) on when it arrived.

I'm pretty sure I made love to people in the 80's but by the dawn of the twenty-first century we seemed to be 'having sex.'

How did it change? When did we stop making love?

All through the 20th century we made love I'm sure about that.

It wasn't after the Hippies, we still made love when we were punks.

Was it after the AIDS thing? Does the condom give us a psychological barrier to obtainting true intimacy?

Is it our new found love of money, business and virtual relationships? Is sex now just a commodity like tea or coffee?

I've heard this so many times now: I had dinner with my girlfridnd last night, and after we had sex. What was that? A new cocktail or some fancy dessert?

Where is the romance in sex? I used to make love on one night stands. Meant nothing, but it seemed a lot better than 'having sex.' At least we loved each other for 15-30 minutes ... depending on alcohol levels.

Shit, getting your leg over, a good screw, a fuck, a bit of the other all sound a whole lot better than having sex.

The phrase 'having sex' sounds like masturbating using someone elses groin instead of your hands.

At least it does for me. I'm not a fucking robot for God's sake!

Pleeeaaase let's go back to making love, screwing, fucking , giving her/him one ---- Christ! Anything but having sex!!!!

What's love got to do (got to do) with it?
I agree...let's go back to making love Bex- I've missed you.
Given the context of your post as a whole Bexley, I'm fascinated by your use of the term "fucking robot". Perhaps it's a prophetic glimpse of the future. In the old days we made love, in the present day we have sex and in the future we'll just send a robot to do it for us. "Last night I had dinner with my girlfriend and then we sent our fucking robots into the bedroom whilst we just sat around and had another gin." Sounds like some scary dystopian madness to me... ......................... www.thesatanicdiaries.net Http://afteriwaspublished.wordpress.com
Given the context of your post as a whole Bexley, I'm fascinated by your use of the term "fucking robot". Perhaps it's a prophetic glimpse of the future. In the old days we made love, in the present day we have sex and in the future we'll just send a robot to do it for us. "Last night I had dinner with my girlfriend and then we sent our fucking robots into the bedroom whilst we just sat around and had another gin." Sounds like some scary dystopian madness to me... ......................... www.thesatanicdiaries.net Http://afteriwaspublished.wordpress.com
Cloven Hoof, Cloven Hoof So good they posted him twice! Damn sensitive mouse buttons... ......................... www.thesatanicdiaries.net Http://afteriwaspublished.wordpress.com
No worries, it was worth reading twice CH. I used to think Asimov got round his neck but now I'm thinking he's right. And after all Orwell's warnings we marching happily into his world 'cos we think Apple, Zuckerberg and Gates are cool guys. They don't giva a shit about us but we're happy to give them the shit on ourselves.


From Jane Austen's Emma: "... she was immediately preparing to speak with exquisite calmness and gravity of the weather and the night; but scarcely had she begun ... than she found her subject cut up - her hand seized - her attention demanded, and Mr. Elton actually making violent love to her ..." (about which Emma declares herself "very much astonished") I think Ms Austen might be quite pleased that the world has moved on to having sex, thus in time reducing the giggling of schoolchildren over her otherwise immaculate prose ...


Letting the purple-headed womb ferret see the bunny.


Pointing Uncle Percy at the porcelein (oh no - that's something else; I get confused sometimes)


Hi rjwlyn (that almost sounds Dutch) I think you missed my point (well made by stan) we know the difference between declaring love to the sexual making love (or coming on to someone). Sure, particularly in the sixties we generally referred to the sexual act as making love, but we knew the difference. Most of us realised what Jane Austen meant. It's the same as Dr Watsons ejaculations. We giggle but we know. Language changes, we know that, but to use 'having sex' seems to me to be a poor choice. It's has no feeling. It's cold, almost clinical. How can sex, even the most basic knee trembler kind, be clinical? It's like the other expression (which I confess I prefer) exchanging body fluids. It's does at least describe what happens. Having sex is like saying 'having a glass of water,' but someone who is dying of thirst would be a lot more emotional about 'having a glass of water.'


Well, for me I'll always make love (but, sadly, not so often these days). Let the rest of the world go fuck themselves.


Or should I say have sex with themselves. There's a thought. How do you tell someone to go have sex with yourself. Hmmm kinda like that. ;)


Acid, contraception, capitalism, commercial sexialisation of children, state profiteering from divorce, religious hypocrisy.


Ool is a village near Maastricht. You have no idea how much (or why;) your poem made me laugh.


darn clicked twice