People reading your work

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People reading your work

Dennis Cooper has asked me to do another blog post for him and I have an idea about what it will Be about.

I started it yesterday and it fucked me up a bit, I'm scratching at the surface of something unpleasant about my personality traits and the way I think.
It's honest though which I always want to be through my work. And disturbing.

I was just thinking this morning about my family reading it and my anxiety has rocketed. I worry that they may read my stuff and as any of you know who has read my work; it's fucked up. I don't want the idea of their reactions to dilute what I write; does anyone else worry about this??


Yes, all the time, but you have to be true to yourself; even if it hurts and you feel dreadfully anxious you have to say 'fuck 'em' very firmly indeed. Your stuff, music, may appear atrociously violent at a first glance, but it soon becomes clear that you are getting your angst out on the blank page, which can take all sorts of knocks without harming a living soul, and you, of course, find the process therapeutic. Hope that helps.
Hi Paul, I'm a newbie at this but who is Dennis Cooper??


Hi Music. I largely agree with Walrus. I feel, like him, that you are expressing your personal angsts in your writing; however, if you really believe that a particular work will be taken personally and hurt a loved one, be careful about publishing. Upsetting someone even uninentionally can have unforeseen long lasting consequences. I know this from personal experience. However, I don't think this is the case with anything of yours I have so far read. That said, I hope you will continue with your writing. Oh, and like Jolono, I don't know who Dennis Cooper is either! Linda


Anonymous's picture
Yes I worry about this a lot to the extent that sometimes it puts me off writing. There are things I wish to express but some of these things certain people don't know about, so I worry about how to go about it.
Just read American Psycho or autobiographies on serial killers and the like then you will consider your work rather tame in one aspect. However the best form is your own voice no matter how angelic or disturbing it may be. Your voice is uncanny and provides a distinct impression within your written works to correlate with one set of readers to another. Be your own tune to your own drum and dance away until its done. May seem like repetative advice but all I can say is that I strive for originality over an archtype any day. If you can formulate what originality and archetype truely mean then you are a superhb writer. Best of luck writing friend! - Chinobus -

- Chinobus -

Thank you :) Yes I have read American psycho; one of my favourite books actually. I just had a lot of anxiety but it has slipped away a little bit tonight. I think that I need to keep it as raw as it is though and not worry about what people think of me. I can only be honest and if it puts people off, well I do t particularly care. I'm just a lonely, psychotic artist but that's I can be.
Dennis Cooper = Just throwing in my two cents. Didn't know who he was either...Wes