I have 143 stories published in
2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 92546 times
and 3 of my stories have been cherry picked. 1 of my 111 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote
I have been contemplating ways to keep everyone informed on my progress about my novel as that is very much essential as of now to avoid falling into...
To those few on here who have known my slightly shoddy work on my first novel I think it's time to come clean and make this an open letter confession...
So it was that each of the three danced, One near the warmth of a hearth, Another over a hungering grave, Third upon the stars entranced. As was they...
1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote
1 Vote
Posted on Sun, 06 Jul 2014
Excellent choice of words and provides a sweeping view of the notoriuous hunting grounds of the infamous Jack the Ripper-esqe feel. However lets see something new. Love it but keep it interesting mes brave.
Posted on Sun, 06 Jul 2014
Excellent choice of words and provides a sweeping view of the notoriuous hunting grounds of the infamous Jack the Ripper-esqe feel. However lets see something new. Love it but keep it interesting mes brave.
Read full commentPosted in Chapter One: The Old Compton Street Murder