Celebrity Scum !

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Celebrity Scum !

Aren't we sick of yet more revelations in the media about criminal celebrities? To my mind it is time to scrap the lot of them and burn them on a big bonfire. We have had Jimmy Saville, an awful monster preying on the vulnerable and weak, then Micheal Le Vell, allegedly an inveterate child abuser, now Stuart Hall, who we all thought a bit giggly but surely innocuous enough, another rapist apparently, and I turn on the news at lunchtime and they are accusing William Roache (Ken Barlow) of abusing a teenager. They have all taken the money, much more than most and been protected by their celebrity status. Which has meant the police have not acted on suspicions and let the terrible, pernicious crimes go on and on. It looks very much like the star, which by now is a very tired term indeed, is not only tarnished, but corrupt through and through. It is surely time to end all this celebrity nonsense and pay them no more than anyone else, because they certainly do not deserve it. I would like to see an end to this culture and make everyone equal in the eyes of the law, and equal too socially. The profits should not go in their pockets but should help feed the poor. There are people using food banks in Britain that do not abuse, rape or assault other members of the community. Let's see these fiends for what they allegedly are : vitiated trash in a country which has lost all sense of moral values. Bring them down and imprison them. Divide their wealth amongst the poor. But for God's sake end the suffering of the innocent victims still paying the price of one law for them and another for us. This is a divided country. Will it never heal?

I think there is a lot in what you say Hillary. Regarding the 'Le Vell' situation, I think that he is still technically innocent so we ought to be a bit carefull of pre-emptying any verdict? I get what you mean though.


It is so many of them, scratch, I am sick of it all. The honest remain poor no matter what their attributes so often.


Yep I totally agree Hilary. But you must remember that we are, according to David Cameron, all in it together....


Yep, we are all scum then !


We're humans, capable of so much but still have so much to learn and change about ourselves. We're still primarily fueled by our physical body desires. Shame i wont be around by the time we learn to advance to the next level *S*


I understand where you are coming from Zalgradis and no one is whiter than white, I just resent the fact that so called celebrities are no better than anyone else and to my mind they should be. They are in a special position and this means to me that they should be more careful about the law and what that means. If they are behaving like criminals and no one is stopping them until 20 or 30 years later something is wrong. The giggly Stuart Hall like Jimmy Saville ran the gauntlet simply because they were celebrities. It was one law for us and another for them. And then there is Jim Davidson, I think it is appalling how he behaves. Apparently there was a disabled person sitting in the front row at one of his shows and he took exception to this person being in his eyeline and complained. To me such people are getting above themselves, and now there is MP Nigel Evans accused of rape and indecent assault on men. Will it never end?


Indrani Ananda The most dastardly thing about this trash labelled 'celebrities" is that none of them are any good at what they are supposed to be famous for. They spend fortunes on makeovers, clothes, surgery, mansions, sound systems etc. depending on which rubbish category they are in, and yet never do a day's work in their lives. They only get paid for what they enjoy doing ie. all job-satisfaction and no job! What money they 'donate' to charity is only what is left over from their gross overpayment for making some brief half-naked appearance - just to save it from the tax man. When is real talent going to be recognised by the brainwashed minions? When is genuine originality and genius going to be upheld above looks, age, and who we know? I'd give anything to rid the world of this scum. Indrani.

Indrani Ananda

Hi Indrani. It seems unjust indeed. And so many talented people are left ignored. Once they have the money and the advantages all morality goes out of the window. We can no longer expect them to be any better. These awful big brother shows are terrible too, are they really 'celebrities'?


Dyu not think it's those crummy magazines that elevate 'celebrities' into the status you're talking about .. And there are certain types of people who live their lives through reading about these celebrities. I was surprised to see Wills, Kate and wee Dode on the cover of Hello when l was standing in a queue at m@s, and l must admit, l did consider having a quick rake through to catch a glimpse. Didn't tho .. As for the Jim Davidsons and the like, there are again, certain class of blokes who love his disgraceful banter. Now he's been replaced by the stomach churning Frankie (away an') Boyle (yer heid) At the moment, Edinburgh has the start of the Fringe Festival, then the International Festival. You should see the streets day and night teeming with both weirdos and genuinely talented individuals, some of whom would love to become celebrities. We all have differing tastes and passions, and unfortunately the Jimmy Savaloys and Frankie Boils will always have millions of followers. What do l know. Just an observation ..
Yes, they will always have followers but that does not make their behaviour right. Certain people just do not care as they are undiscerning. Criminal behaviour is just that : celebrity status does not and should not make you immune. They got so carried away by their privileges they thought they were Gods.