Celebrity Scum !
Aren't we sick of yet more revelations in the media about criminal celebrities? To my mind it is time to scrap the lot of them and burn them on a big bonfire. We have had Jimmy Saville, an awful monster preying on the vulnerable and weak, then Micheal Le Vell, allegedly an inveterate child abuser, now Stuart Hall, who we all thought a bit giggly but surely innocuous enough, another rapist apparently, and I turn on the news at lunchtime and they are accusing William Roache (Ken Barlow) of abusing a teenager. They have all taken the money, much more than most and been protected by their celebrity status. Which has meant the police have not acted on suspicions and let the terrible, pernicious crimes go on and on. It looks very much like the star, which by now is a very tired term indeed, is not only tarnished, but corrupt through and through. It is surely time to end all this celebrity nonsense and pay them no more than anyone else, because they certainly do not deserve it. I would like to see an end to this culture and make everyone equal in the eyes of the law, and equal too socially. The profits should not go in their pockets but should help feed the poor. There are people using food banks in Britain that do not abuse, rape or assault other members of the community. Let's see these fiends for what they allegedly are : vitiated trash in a country which has lost all sense of moral values. Bring them down and imprison them. Divide their wealth amongst the poor. But for God's sake end the suffering of the innocent victims still paying the price of one law for them and another for us. This is a divided country. Will it never heal?
Indrani Ananda