Terrence Oblong's views on advertising

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Terrence Oblong's views on advertising

I thought the point of internet advertising was that you could carefully target your ad. So how come when I go to this track on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg69oE_K-so) I get an ad asking me to save a puppy, yet when I go to a cute dog related video by the same band I get an ad suggesting I get a train to London? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvwA7BK4-6A

It's poorly-targeted advertising, that's what it is. Get it sorted.

You should do an ad about doin' ads .. that's wot ad advise Dx
I'm the same I go to Terrence Oblong's and get the Other Terrence Oblong.


Nice one TOT. 8-D


Good point TOT. Ever thought about green shoes? Heres my link. www.iweargreenshoescosimcolourblind.com


Very presumptuous of you to state my views on advertising Other Terrence!