York Evening
Sun, 2013-08-18 15:53
York Evening
I have noticed that so far there is no mention of another York night and I was wondering if there was to be another one and if so what the likely date might be. I think it was in September last year.
Hope there will be another one because it is such a good night and the last one with the video link up was fantastic.
Please not 21st!
Parson Thru
This is something that I was thinking about too. I can book the venue to suit people's commitments so if the 21st is no good for you Kev I can easily avoid that date. I think TC is busy this week but I'm sure that he'll see this forum topic and respond as well. I think lessons were learned last time with the date selection. This one I believe will be arranged for a Friday or a Saturday evening, my personal preference would be for it to be held on a Saturday.
I'm really looking forward to it and thanks for raising this as a forum topic MOya.
Hello Peter,
Well, I just love those evenings and if we can get it on video or Youtube or Mytube or whatever so much the better and thank you in advance for organizing.
Yes, thanks Pete.
Parson Thru
You're welcome matey.
Please not the 28th either. I am committed to something else. Sorry if I'm being a pain!
You're not being a pain at all Moya. The 28th and the 21st are both consigned to irrelevance.
What a lovely chap you are.
Thank you,
Do we have a date in mind for York? That is if it still going ahead.
I think that it will around the third week in October. Watch this space for an exact date. Cheers MOya.